Memories...(ticci toby x reader) chapter 10

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The air was fresh and cold, and that's how I like it. In the distance I see Amy's house in the distance. I was at her front porch and nocked at the door, waiting for her to respond. I can here foot steps from the inside and muffled talking. Until the door open, I greeted Amy with a warm smile. She yawn in response. "What are you doing here soo early?" She asked. I raise my eyebrows and tilted my head in confusion. "Amy it's 11 o'clock in the morning, it's almost half of the day" I said. She almost looks surprised. She puts her hand over her eyes in frustration. "Oh god really?" She asked, as I nodded. Amy sighs with disappointment. I don't blame her, honestly she is a night owl sometimes. "I'm guessing you wanna hang out today?" She asked, I nodded again to her question. She smiles softly at me and she said she'll get ready.

-time skip-

Me and Amy we're talking about how our life was. Until i felt my stomach feeling a little puckish and from the looks in Amy's eyes I can tell she was feeling hungry too so we stopped by to a near cafe. The warm air in the cafe made me feel warm and at comfort. I was looking through the glass to She the pastries until I found something that caught my eye. It was a crisp lemon tart that had little white chocolate shavings with a cute little lemon candy on the side. "I would like to have the lemon tart please" I asked. "And I'll have the chocolate cake slice" Amy said with happiness. She was a really big fan of chocolate growing up, she claims it's her comfort food. "Cash or credit?" The man asked, I responded with cash and he gave me a odd look. I was feeling uncomfortable at this moment so I asked him if he was ok? And he responded. "you look familiar, did you went here with someone?" He asked. "N-no..." I said with embarrassment. "Yes I remember! You were here with that boy" my friend gave me an odd but smug look as if she wants to know more*cough cough* you know... "can we just have are order...please?" I said feeling a little bit frustrated but i was more worried if Amy is gonna investigate on me and ask if I know about him. "Here you are miss, your lemon tart and chocolate cake slices. That will be $16.oo" I gave him the cash as told but Amy keeps giving the same looks. "So how did the cashier know you?" She asked. I know she was trying to play dumb but I went along with it anyways.
"I was their one time with a friend"
"Really? Was it like a date? Or a friend date?"
"Nope...just a hang out..."
"Really, who was it?"
"Someone I use to be friends with"
"But can you say the name?"
"I honestly don't wanna say.."
"Come on say some thing"
I stoped at my track cutting off Amy and realized were I've been walking. In the other side of the road I see Toby's neighborhood. Quiet as day. My heart began to race, my hands where feelings sweaty and my cheeks started to burn. " I know who it is.." I snapped out of it and felt the weight I my chest disappeared "what do you mean?!" I asked. I didn't say anything...but I did show it...fuck I'm an idiot.
"Let me guess you still have feelings for him?" She asked raising her eyebrows in a flirtatious way to make fun of me. "Well... I... It was a long time ago, how do you even know who's house was it?!" I asked trying to Change the subject quick as possible. "Everyone knows that place from where I live...his dad comes to my fathers bar once in a while. He always talks about his daughter being a slut or his son being a twitchy freak...he's a real asshole..." I sigh in sadness. Now it all make sense. That does sound like Toby's dad. "You should try talking to him again" Amy said with confidence. Although as much I want to I could never because I wouldn't know what to say. "What?! Amy no, it was along time ago" I said avoiding Amy's offer of talking to Toby. "I'm pretty sure he needs it, after all the things he have been going through...he needs someone to talk too" I was feeling concerned, what things? Is everything ok? Did something happen? Doing so I asked what happened and to that Amy said that Toby's sister died recently in a car crash in a sad response. I felt that same ache in my chest again. Out everybody in the world god had to choose the most nicest girl who was important to someone I know. "I'm sorry..." I said feeling everything around me slow down. "You shouldn't be saying sorry to me, say it to Toby!" Amy said, she really wants me to talk to him. So I compromised. "Ok what about food I talk to him tomorrow? Is that ok?" Any gave me a so so look to my response. "'s good enough" and me and Amy continued walking.

-time skip-

As soon I went home i put on a movie from Netflix and preheated my leftover spaghetti in the microwave. Waiting for my food to be done I noticed their was a new release. It was a romance. I never really was a fan of romance movies growing up. And Netflix being Netflix it plays a small clip. I was bored out of my mind so I went along with it and listened to the audio. The first scene shows a girl in the rain while making out with someone. Already this Scene made me feel uncomfortable. "oh Brandon I love you for who you are, and I don't care if people get in the way!" The character said as she proceeds to kiss the guy. "But kelly I can't, I am a psychopath" said the guy. " I don't care...I know I haven't talk to you in a while but I still love you even though you killed your parents!" The girl protest. I was honestly disappointed. The movie didn't seem that good and the scenario was way to familiar. Right on time my spaghetti was done. Doing so a thought popped in my head.

(Play video on the top)

Maybe I should talk to Toby. my face turn into a bright red just by the thought of him and his big brown soft eyes. At that moment I knew that I still have feelings for Toby. You know what...fuck it! I'm gonna go talk to him. Right now.

-another time skip-

I was now walking towards Toby's house with a million thoughts in my head. What if he doesn't wanna see me? What if he already moved on? What if he doesn't feel the same way? I sigh to calm my nerves down. Until in the distance I see a crowed in Toby's neighborhood. Their was a bright glow in the audiences faces where they are facing. They all seem so scared or in shock. I was more curious. Why was their a crowd? I was cutting through people to see what was going on, and what was dragging peoples attention, I see police cars and police men blocking people to prevent any entry. Over the police men I see the neighborhoods on fire! Including Toby's...

Thank you so so much for reading this chapter, I will write the next one soon or later nonetheless have a great day and I'll see you next time ❤️ bye

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