Storyteller...(ticci toby x reader) chapter 23

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"So Ms [last name] I'm pretty sure you are aware of the disappearance of Rebecca Miller and Casey McLeanal."
"Y-Yes, yes I am." I said as I nodded me head. My hands were shaking in fear. I gripped on the end of my sleeves to stop it. But it only made it worse. Now my feet started to tap, Violently.
"These two officers will ask you a couple of questions. Now don't be nervous, the whole school is being interrogated. Including teachers and staff."

'But none of them know what actually happened...' I thought to myself.

"Ok" I said as I took a small glimpse of the officers. They both have stone cold faces and arms cross. This only caused me to get even more anxious. "Now Ms [last name] were you ever associated with the two victims?" The voice came from the right side of the room, belonging to the police men on the right. As soon he asked that questions my mind went blank.

What should I say?!
Think of something!!!
Say something quick!!!

"N-no... I wasn't aware that they were in my school until today..." I said trying to reserve my words. "Now were they in any of your classes?" He said as he took out his small notebook from his pocket, along with a pen. By his actions he caused me to stutter. "N-no...I-I didn't have any classes with them." I herd the other officer on the left clearing his throat as he was getting ready to speak.
"Now tell me Ms [last name] tell me about their behavior towards others, or you. Did they threaten or harassed anybody?"

'They both were cowards...they deserve to die... they had no point of living...what so ever...their behavior was a mess.. ARROGANT...NARCISSISTIC...and NARROW MINDED...' Is what I would have said.

" I said. I wasn't aware that they were in my school. Their for I don't know what they are like or their behavior towards anyone." I said trying to sound calm as possible. The room when quiet for a at least two to three minutes.
"Now according to your pierce they say that the victims bullied that true?"  Fuck. What now?! What should I say?! "They must be mistaken... I was no were near associated with them..." I said briefly. "Are you sure? Cause three witnesses saw them following you outside school grounds..."
"Sir when I say I was no were near them I am being honest!" I said in defense. I soon then realize that I shouted. Nearly changing their outlook on me. "I-I sorry...I just don't wanna get in trouble for something I didn't commit." I said in a sorrow tone. A sudden tear drop came down upon my face. The officers looked at me worriedly. "I-I'm sorry." I said as I wipe off the singular tear on my face.
"Ms [last name] we only have one more question and you be let go." My eyes widen in relief. Thank god. "What's the question?" I asked while tilting my head slightly.

"We just need to know we're you hid the bodies..."


"We said if you know anybody else who is associated with Rebecca and Casey."

"Oh..." I said in confusion. Did I herd that correctly? Did they really asked that question? No! It must have been an allusion. Right? I suddenly herd a small static in my head. Causing me to put my hands over my ears as my fingertips started to grasp upon my [hair color] hair. I herd mumbling noises in my head, but it seems that the static was more in power then the voices.
"Ms [last name]!"
The static instantly stopped as I herd a voice above me. I forgotten where I was at the moment.
"I sorry... I just blacked out for a moment." I said smiling awkwardly.
"Well do you? Do you know anybody else who is associated with Rebecca and Casey?"
"No...I'm sorry." I watched their face as it went to sad to hopeless They sigh in disappointment and told me that I was can leave. I open the door and close it behind me...I looked outside only to be greeted by a bright sun that was about to set. I sigh and made my way to class. Until something caught my eye. Outside I saw someone that walked away. I couldn't tell who it was but they were wearing a blue hood and striped sleeves. I then shook it off and continue to walk to my class.

Officers POV
The girl closed the door left the room. I looked at my notes to re-read it.
'-consistent leg tapping
-shows an anxious appearance
-has three witnesses
-unaware of victims disappearance
-unassociated with them'

"Welp we have are fourth suspect..."

Ahdisgdkwfisngjk I really hope you liked this chapter cause it took me a while -^-; I'm pretty sure you can tell that umm...who will not be named was in this chapter :) but I will post the next one later on, which it's going to be a Ticci Toby's point of view... so ye :)

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