Reunion...(ticci toby x reader) chapter 17

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(This chapter is more of a fluff yeah...I hope you like it ;) )

[name] POV
"Toby?" I said in curiosity. Is it really him? I don't know what was real or fake anymore. The man slowly turned around. "N-name?" He said.  It is Toby! Even if this was a hallucination I'm still glad it was him. He removed his orange goggles to reveal his dark honey brown eyes. I couldn't help but to fluster. It's been over four years sense I haven't seen his eyes. I soon laughed at self pity. It couldn't be really be him. "! My brain must be so cruel for giving these hallucinations, I mean you're here" I said laughingly. I can feel my tears roll down from my face as it was getting harder to breath. I felt a close presence, Toby was right next to me. Sitting on my bed. I felt embarrassed that I was crying in front of him. Even if I was hallucinating I still can't believe he's here. "I'm sorry" I said smiling awkwardly while wiping off the tears across my face. I try to laugh it off but I couldn't. He looked at me with a remorse as if he thinks it's his fault for making me cry. "I can't believe it" I said. My voice no longer breaking. Their was a long awkward silence between us. The quietest lasted about five or six minutes, until he spoke. "I-It's good to see you again..."he said. "You too.." I couldn't help but turn to a bright red. His voice was different. It was dark and raspy, but not too raspy. It was. Satisfying. He really did change a lot. I was about to speak until he sigh and spoke. "[name] I don't r-remember much of w-w-what happened, and I want a-answers...l-l-lately I've been having these dream were your in it. And you were saying something that were 'childhood friends' and I wanted to know if it was true...can you tell me please?" He pleaded as he looked in my eyes in desperation. I sigh and nodded.

Authors POV
[name] told everything of what happen over the past four years. About how you two were friends, how people at school don't miss him, How everyone thought he was dead. And how you too kissed before (that made him flustered as well) It was thirty minute conversation of catching up of what happened of their childhood memories.

[Names] POV
"S-so everyone thought I was d-d-dead?" Toby asked as he raised his eyebrow. "Yeah, I know, it sucks." I said nodding to his question. I still couldn't help but to still be flustered by his voice. It's so captivating. I hold my pillow tighter to hide my pink flustered face. But then I realized something. Why was I still being shy around him? He's just a hallucination. My thoughts were interrupted. As I herd Toby's voice. "I should get going..." he said looking at the floor avoiding eye contact. I didn't want him to leave. not now. Not when I need him the most. I was about to say something until he stopped. His face was a bright pink color. "Ummm...[name], c-can I ask you something?" He asked avoiding to make eye contact with me. "Yes?" I said. As I raised one of my eyebrow. "C-Can I kiss y-y-you?" He said as his face began to turn even more red. He looked at me, waiting for my response.

Toby's POV

(Play video on the top)
"C-Can I kiss y-y-you?" I asked feeling anxious and embarrass. I don't know why I asked her. I just wanted to feel something that I've forgotten.... I can feel my face turning more red as I looked into her eyes. Her eyes were a soft [eye color] eyes I can't help but to get lost in them. I was mostly expecting a 'no' as a answer but surprisingly she said "Yes" i didn't know what I was thinking. But it felt so right. She then close her eyes waiting for me to make the move. I soon then relaxed and gotten closer to her face. I can already feel her sweet lips on mine. I close my eyes and soon enough are lips made contact with each other. I felt calm and free with her. Just as I thought, her lips were soft then ever. I felt all my problems melted away. It was just me and her. Alone...
For another second of heaven I let go. I rested my forehead on hers. I wish I could stay here longer. "You should probably get going" [name] said as she smiled softly. "Y-Yeah..." I said smiling awkwardly. "Bye [name]" I said looking back at her one more time before I go. She then smiled softly and waved at me. "Bye Toby..." I made my to the forest were I met eyes with a pissed off timothy. "We're the fuck!have you been!?" He said crossing his arms. "I h-had some difficulties...o-ok..." I said. Feeling bothered by him. We were cut off by another voice enters are conversation. "Will you to morons cut it out? We have to head back..." hoodie said as he looked back at us as if we were little kids. "If slender gets mad at us that were late then that's your fault Rogers." Masky said as he scoffs and went ahead of me. I'm tiered  of dealing with his bullshit. But I was worth it. I felt happy for once. The kiss was better then I expected it to be. Her lips were softer then I ever imagined. Just by the thought of her makes me smile and warms my heart. I love her...she's my everything...

Welp that was great :D you and Toby finally did a kiss redo, not to mention he catch'n  feeling for you again ;) I will write the next time and until you and Toby meet again, bye!❤️

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