Confession and heart break...(ticci toby x reader) chapter 25

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Ticci Toby's POV

I open the mansion door and speed walked my way to slenders office. 'I have to warn him, theirs no time.'
"Hey tobe's wanna Play?" I herd a voice in the living room area. It must have belong to Ben. "S-Sorry I don't have time." I said in a rush. I open the office door and closed it behind me. "Master I have information about [name]." I said. As he herd the words out of my mouth he spoke.
'Excellent Toby, you have succeeded, now tell me...what information do you have?'
"The pill was a success and she's at the psychotic break stage"
"But the cops are starting to interrogate and [name] is one of the s-s-suspects...master we need to take her now...before it's too l-late."
I await an answer from him.
'Hmm...I see...tomorrow you, Timothy and Brian will take [name] regardless of the location. Rather you take her at her home or take her at her public you understand.' He said with a assertive tone.
"Y-Yes m-m-master."
' may leave my office.'
I then close his office door and sigh in relief. Thank god she'll be safe. I then head up to my room but someone was blocking the stairway.
"Hey Toby can I talk with you for a moment?" It was Natalie. What does she want...
I then led Natalie to my room and closed it. Before I could say anything she spoke.
"Can you lock it please? Its really private..."
She commanded, I obliged and lock it to satisfied her. She then sat on the edge on my bed as I sat besides her. Their was a small yet deep silence between us.
"S-Sooo...what do wanna talk abou-"
"I like you Toby...I like you...a lot..."
I only stayed in silence, feeling awkward with this situation. I know what I was feeling but I don't feel any affection towards only comes naturally towards [name]. [name] is the only person I care about now...she's my priority...I love her...and her alone...
"It's funny cause Jane said I should tell you now instead of later-"
"I-I'm sorry nat's....I don't feel the same w-way..."
I said. In response her face expression was cold yet sad and shock of what I said. Her eyes began to water little by little as one single tears starts to escape one of her eye.
"Is theirs someone else you like?" She asked while wiping her tears.
"Y-Yes...and she means the world to me... I'm sorry..." I said while exiting my room. I then walked outside as I can hear her small cries in my room. I then went outside as it was nightfall and moon was glowing ever so brightly. I had the desire to go see [name] so that's what I did. It's 8:45pm Which means she has to be asleep at this time. She has to be... In the distance I see her home. I had a small smile appeared on my face just be the thought of her. I looked up to see her bedroom window was open. I then climbed up but only be greeted by no one in the room. I couldn't help but to wander around her room for a bit. I looked at her desk and saw a old yet familiar drawing of a tree branch with flowers...
(Go to chapter 4 feelings and the drawing is their.)
She's really good at drawing... I then proceeded to look around the small room. I Took one glimpse of her bed. The bed sheets were plain but still it looks soft and comfortable. I couldn't help but to sit on it, but soon my body started to soften and I began to lay down. I sigh in comfort and huddled myself into a fetal position as I grasp on to her pillow. I couldn't help but to inhale a little bit of her sent. It smells so sweet yet refreshing. I close my eyes and relaxed for a small second until I herd the loud thuds on the stairs as it started to increase. I instantaneously got up and hid underneath her bed. The bedroom door made a small creak as I herd [name's] voice. "Hold on I need to change!" [name] said as she went straight towards her drawers and reached to get something. She then took out a a  black shirt, she the walked over to her bed, as I try to cover my mouth to prevent any hard breathing. Their was a mirror behind her which gives the advantage of looking at her. She then starts to undress, revealing her soft smooth skin. She was wearing a lace [color] bra that had a small bow in the middle. I know it must seem wrong but I couldn't look away. She then puts on her black shirt as it defines her curvy yet slim figure. I herd another voice protruding from outside of the bedroom.
"[name] hurry up your missing the good part!"
Immediately [name] went downstairs giving me a chance to escape. I then made it safely outside and and relaxed for a while. I felt a small drop on my hand I looked at it and it was my own blood as I came from my nose. Was I having a nose bleed? I then remember her elegant figure...and how soft it looks. This only caused me to bleed more as I cover my nose to prevent anymore to come out. My face was red with out a doubt. I just couldn't stop thinking about her...she's wonderful...

[name's] POV

Me and Amy we're watching the conjuring as she recommended, we bought some sodas and chips but Amy being Amy shook my bottle of [favorite soda] which I had to go and change.

I apologize if I had not posted lately, I've been busy already lately but I hope you liked this chapter but in a chapter or two it's gonna get *cough* saucy *cough cough* so yeah by -^-;

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