The second occurrence...(ticci toby x reader) chapter 18

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(A/N: hey I made some changes with the book. I hope you like it :D and also... warning; this chapter will contain some gore, just a head up, ok? Alright enjoy this chapter ;D )

Name POV
I groan with annoyance as my alarm clock was beeping. The sunlight rays was directly on my face as I use my hand to block it. I turned off my alarm clock and rubbed my eyes. How long was I up? I shrugged off my question, knowing it will never be answered. I brushed my hair and tied it into a loose ponytail and slipped on my [color] shoes and my [color] jacket. I made my way downstairs where I was greeted by a note on the kitchen fridge. I read the note.
Hey [name] I will be out for a while so I will come home later than usual, sorry if I couldn't make you breakfast. Anyways take care, I love you :)
-mom <3
I sigh and got a bowl and a carton of milk to make cereal as my breakfast for the day. When I finished my cereal I got my backpack and made my way to school. During my way to school my thoughts keep pondering to what happened last night. Why was I hallucinating about Toby? Was it even real? No, he can't be alive...can he? No! He's saw his house on fire...but still why? Out of everybody I could hallucinate my brain decided to think about Toby....whatever, it was either a dream or a hallucination. That's all I know. But even if it was real...I'm still glad I got the chance to see him again, and the kiss...was to good to be true, so therefore it wasn't was just a hallucination...

-time skip, around lunch time-

Amy wasn't at school today so I sat alone at lunch. I felt everyone's eyes on me. They were judging me, I can tell...why are they judging me? What did I do wrong?! I felt the darkness wrapping around me as comfort. I felt so scared. So alone. So anxious. Until I herd static and a voice in my head. Don't be scared I'm here...the voice was raspy and dark. The voice was coming from the back of my head, so I looked behind me only to meet nothing. My head felt light as my body started to weaken. And my eye were feeling droopy and tired. I was unexpectedly approached by someone.
"He's coming..." their voice echos in my head, everything around me was spinning around in circles. Did I herd that correctly?
"W-what?" I said as my voice was started to weaken.
"I said are you ok? You're looking pale, do you need to see a nurse?" Their voice rested to normal, no longer echoing.
"No I'm fine..."I said trying not to worry the person. My vision was sorta still blurry but I could still see a little bit. As soon I stand up my head began to spin again. My vision went black...

-another time skip-

I woke up immediately. I was in the nurses office and I was laying in one of those schools beds. The current soon open, I was greeted by the nurse herself. "Oh good! [name] you're awake" she said smiling at me. I was confused, why was I in the clinic?
"Why am I here?"
"One of the counselors saw you passed out in the cafeteria."
Their was small silence between us. Until the nurse spoke. "[name] how much sleep are you getting?" I wasn't ready for that question so in response I tilted my head in confusion. "What do you mean?" "You're body is getting the lack of rest so that's the reason why you passed out. So how many hours do you get to sleep?" I honestly haven't slept often. The most time I've slept was at least five or four hours. So I lied.
"I usually get six or seven hours..."
"Mhmm...[name] you do realize that you need to sleep about eight or nine hours, it's important to rest" she said. I sigh in a so called agreement.
"The day is almost about to end so you can stay here for the reminder of the time, just please get some more rest, ok?" The nurse said.
"I will..."

-another time skip, you're heading home-

I was on my way home. My phone was dead again so I had no choice but to listen to the sound of nature. I didn't mind it, not at all. But when you have two assholes that follows you home. It gets annoying. "I bet she passed out just for attention" I over herd as Rebecca said with a snarky tone. "You're probably right, she's such a prick" Casey said adding on to Rebecca. I was getting really irritated at this point. I wasn't doing well...can't they tell that I wasn't ok?! I just wanted to be alone! Is that's to much to ask?! I was getting lost in my thoughts again, without realizing my vision slowly went black. Why was this happening to me?!

(Play video on the top)

I slowly started to panic as I had no control over my body again. All I could hear was just the screams.
"Hey what are you? Ahh!" I felt my hands gripped onto something. I didn't know what my body was doing, all I could do was hear and feel. I felt my hand grab on a sharp hard object only to repeatedly smash into something harder. "Stop it please!" I heard as they pleaded for their lives. I wanted it to stop. But I had no control. I can feel my hand forcing something down into the bridges sides and hitting it hard. "Please stop! I'll do anything just please! don't kill me!" I can hear their whimpers of desperation to live. I heard a loud snap as the effect of them screaming louder. Eventually the screams turned into gagging as they try to gasp for air. I can feel their short breaths. Two of my hands gripped onto a round object and twisted it, instantaneously. Their scream was no longer making was just...quiet. Allowing myself to hear the sound of nature again. Soon all of that faded away my vision soon tested to normal. I looked at my hands to see that I twisted Casey's head and arm. The arm was an open wound, were you can see her bone violently popped through her skin. Therefore leaking out little drops of crimson blood. In the distance I see Rebecca Millers head of what seem to be smashed repeatedly into a rock, exposing shattered her skull and her brain that's still moving ever so slightly. Creating a puddle of blood. Her eyes were wide open, as they were lifeless and dead. My hands were covered in blood. I knew what I've done. I killed them! What am I supposed to do?! They have parents right?! Is this the end for me?! I slowly started to sob as my tried slowly started trail down my face. What am I gonna do?! Feeling frustrated and anxious of what's gonna happen the same voice entered in my head.
Don't cry my child. Dispose the bodies of  Casey McLeanal and Rebecca Miller. Then you won't get caught. They deserve to no longer live as they were horrible human beings. Now take their corpses and hide them and get rid of any evidence that leads back to don't deserve to be caught...
I obeyed to the voices commands and dragged their bodies...they won't be seen or herd of ever again...

Welp that took me a long time to complete this chapter. I hope you liked some of the changes I made and yeah that's all :) bye! ❤️

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