Savior...(ticci toby x reader) chapter 20

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Toby's POV

I was back at my old old classroom...the room was empty as I can hear the empty void of the hallways that was once filled with noises and laughter. The lights were off, the only available light source was the sun that was eventually about to set. Why was I here? My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a familiar giggle that was coming from behind me. I look back to see a little girl that had [hair color] and bright [eye color] eyes.
"Hi, I'm [name] what's yours?" Her face was looking towards the side as she was talking to someone else."T-Toby."...It was me....
"Well Toby, I'm new here so I don't know the school that well, so do you mind if I can hang out with you for the day?"
" s-sure I don't m-m-mind."
"Thank you." [name] said as she smiles softly at my younger self. I felt a sudden warm-ness in my heart. A feeling that I haven't felt in a while. The moment was ruined my The sounds of whispers that was coming outside of the class room. I was curious to know who it was. I open the door to reveal a flower Field, approximately the same one from the last dream occurrence. In the distance I see [name] but older. Around the age or sixteen. So basically the current time that she is now. The sunset was in a hue of yellow to pink to purple, and it was perfect. The wind ever so slightly blows on her hair. And her [eye color] eyes were brighter then ever.

(Play video on the top)

"Do you remember? When we first met?" She said as I gotten closer to her.
"Yeah...I do." I said. She smiles softly at me, causing me to be a little bit flustered.
"[name] I am truly sorry..." I said.
"About what? Toby you didn't do any harm to me."
"I left you. [name]. I left you and that hurt you. I mean you thought I was dead."
"Everyone thought you were dead Toby-"
"I don't care about what everyone else think!" I said cutting [name] off. I sigh in stress.
"I only care about you. [name]. You gave me a chance when no one else did. You were the first to call me a friend. And I left you. And I'm sorry for That." I said feeling more hatred upon myself. I looked at the ground, no longer wanting to make eye contact. Until I felt her hand caressing my cheek.
"Toby you don't have to apologize...your here now...and I have nothing to worry..." She then put her forehead against mine. I love this feeling. I feel warm and safe when I'm around her. "Toby?" She said whispering softly.
"Yes?" I replied.
"I need you to do one thing for me..."
"What is it?"
"I need you to hide the bodies..."
I was cut off by the sound of a sharp ringing in my ear. I covered both of my ears to block the sound but it was no use. I felt two pairs of hands cuffing both of my cheeks.
"Toby! Wake up!"
I woke up immediately as I gasp for air. My throat was dry and my hands were cold and sweaty. I try to control my breathing and soon it became stable. I look over at my clock at my nightstand. The time was around twelve-ish. I sigh in frustration. Why do these types of dreams wake me up so early?
But all of a sudden I felt an anxious feeling in my chest. I soon started to worry about [name]. Something tells me she needs my help. And I don't know why but I felt the need to help her. I  later on decided that I would go check on her. JUST to check on her. I sigh, agreeing on the choice I made. I slipped my hoodie and tied the laces of my black converse shoes. I grab two of my hatchets and quietly open my bedroom door, trying not to alarm everyone that I was leaving. I looked both ends of the hallway and theirs no one in sight. I close the door behind me and made my way downstairs.

"Where are you off too at this time Rogers?"

I herd a voice behind me. Guessing by the anonymous person who called me 'Rogers' I could easily tell it was Timothy. I froze for a moment trying to figure out an excuse of why was I leaving at twelve.

"I c-couldn't s-s-sleep, so I wanted to go for a w-walk..." I said. Hopefully he'll take buy it.
"You're going for a walk at twelve because you couldn't sleep?" Timothy said as he crossed his arms and raise an eyebrow. At this point I can tell he was being suspicious.
" that a problem?" I said talking back at him. Letting out a bit of my bipolar side out. He sighs and walks back to his room.
"just come back when your done., so slender doesn't have to send me to come get your ass..." He scoffed off. And close his door. I went downstairs and closed the main door and I was off to [name's] house.

-time skip, like about an hour-

I checked through her window and their was no sign of [name]. I slowly started to get more worried as seconds pass by.
Why wasn't she inside?
She's usually asleep at this time?
My thoughts were cut off by the sound of gravel being dugout. The sound was coming from the woods. I slowly started to walk towards the sound. As I walk deeper into the woods the sound was getting stronger were it comes to a point that I could hear the person breathing heavily due to exhaustion.  I hid behind the tree so I wouldn't be seen. I poked my head out just a little bit to know it who was digging at this hour. To my surprise it was [name]. Not only that but their was two dead corpses that was wrapped in a plastic bag. I immediately stuck my head back in as I already seen enough...
What did she do?
I wanted to take one more glance but without knowing I stepped on a twig alarming [name] that she wasn't alone."Who's their?!" [name] said. I can tell she was scared at this point. Her voice was shaky. As she took one step towards my direction I slowly started to panic. What if she sees me?! My panicking soon faded away as I heard a loud thud. I look to see what it was but only to meet eyes with [name] on the ground.
Did she passed out?
I walked over to her to see if she was ok. I sigh in relief. She's just tired. It's strange how I find it so peaceful when she sleeps. I soon then picked her up 'bridal style' and carry her back to her home. I open her door and began to walk up her stairs. Eventually I made it to her bedroom. I carefully put her down and slowly removed her shoes. I then tucked her into her bed sheets and removed any hair that was blocking her face.
She's so adorable...
But al-last that moment was ruin as I heard the door opening from down stairs. it must have been her mother. I wasted no time to leave. I open her bedroom window and began to exit. But before I could leave I took one final glance of [name] sleeping. I couldn't help but I want to hold her while she sleeps. She means everything to me. I then proceeded to jump down landing safely and made my way back to her little mess of a situation...

Authors POV
Toby then started to take hide the other body that was left behind. He then proceeded to bury them and covering the surface area with small leaves and dirt so the lines weren't visible.

-another time skip (I swear this is almost over)-

I was woken up by the sound of static in my head causing me to cover my ears in agonizing pain. Until a familiar voice spoke in my head...
You have been far way to far long gone this what you were doing...
It was a angry slender. As he stood above me making me feel intimidated.
"I h-had t-t-too...or else she would've been caught..." I said in defense proving my side. His anger soon faded away.
You've done the right thing toby...but still must be didn't tell me where you were going and you didn't tell me what you were you understand...toby...
I sigh already accepting my punishment as it was deserved.
"Y-Yes master..."
are conversation was soon cut off by the sound of a twig snapping. It was [name]. I wasted no time to hide. Her face expression was scared yet anxious and terrified all at once. The static once again got into my head...
Why don't you give [name] a letter a sign that you are no threat to her...maybe she'll show some gratitude for what you did for her...
Slender said as he reaches into his black suit and token out a singular sheet of paper. He then gave me a pen and I soon then began to write. As I finished her eyes were already closed. Giving me a perfect opportunity to give it to her. I then gently thrown the letter to [name] in front of her. She then began to read it.

Hey :) I finished what you started. Hope you don't mind. No one knows...except for me. I won't tell. You don't have to worry. Your secret is safe with us ;)

Now Toby lets go...

Jfc that took me way longer then I intended it to be. I'm sorry if it was to long but I had too -^-; anyways I hope you like this chapter and that's all I have to say...bye ❤️

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