Hang out... (ticci toby x reader) chapter 7

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[name] POV
"[name] theirs something I've been m-meaning to tell y-you..." Toby said. I pause for a moment, this sounds serious. " [name] I was wondering if you would like to h-hang out a-a-after school" he said. I sigh in relief, for a moment I thought he was going to say he was moving or being homeschooled. "Yeah sure I love to." I reply to his request.

Toby's POV
I couldn't tell [name] yet, not now. We were on are way to school and I felt something hit on the back of my head. I turned around to see and I see some classmates right behind us throwing snowballs at me, giggling, thinking it was funny. [name] being the relentless person she is, she gave them a taste of their own medicine and throw a snowball back at them. The snow was very compacted meaning it's more ice then snow. When she through the snow it hit directly into the persons face, causing the person to get a nose bleed. I honestly love how she try's to defend me in every way possible, shes admirable.

-Time skip the day was about to end-

I waited for [name] to leave her classroom so we can go hang out. I was still planning how to tell her how I was going to be homeschooled. In a glance I see [name] getting out of her seat and heading out the door, "h-hey!" I said with excitement. She gave me a confused look. "Hi? Was just about to head over to your classroom..." she said worth one eyebrow up. "Anyways ready to hang out?" She said with a playful tone along with a small smile. "Y-Yeah" I said smiling to her as well.
-another time skip-

[name] POV
It was strange that Toby came to my classroom first, usually I'm the one who visits his class room first. Anyways I wonder what he has in plans of are hang out. We were on the side walk and heading somewhere. I didn't know were. "Ok we're here" I look up to see a cafe. We walked in and the sweet smell of pastries came running into my nose. "Do we even have money?" I asked concerned, how were going to pay? "I have a-allowance." He answered my question. I look at the pastries to find something I like. Then finally I met eyes with a desert with strawberries and creamy frosting. "That's called a strawberry napoleon."

I look up to see a man  on the other side of the counter

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I look up to see a man  on the other side of the counter. "Are you too guys together?" He questioned as he looks at me and Toby. I was about to say something but I was cut of by Toby with an embarrassed look on his face. "Y-yes!" He said while he's slowly turns in a bright shade of pink. "Ok you can take the table right their." The man points out to a table with two chairs and a small vase in the middle with a lavenders and roses. We both sat down and waited for are pastries to come. And finally they did, I look at Toby's pate and he seems to have a piece of chocolate cake.

-tiny time skip-

"That was the best desert I ever had!" I said with joy. "Well that's n-not all..." he said. I was sorta confused, that's not it? "We're going to the m-movies..." he said with a small smile on his face. I was getting a little bit tired but that didn't bother me. I was having so much fun, I didn't want it to end so soon. Once we got their we looked all over the room. I don't know how long it has been Since I've gone movie theaters. "T-two tickets to the c-c-conjuring, please" Toby asked politely, the girl gave him a weird look as if she's uncomfortable with the way how he twitches and stutter, " yeah ok..." I can tell she gets a weird vibe from him and it seems to make Toby uncomfortable too. " he has Tourette's." I said politely, soon her face have gone to disgusted to calm. "Ok then...heres your tickets." "T-thank you" Toby said awkwardly smiling.

Toby's POV
The lady keeps giving me disgusted glares at me, making me uncomfortable. Can't she understand that some people have Tourette syndrome. "He has Tourette's." [name] said trying to make the lady understand my conditions. "Ok then...here's your tickets." The lady hand us the tickets. "T-thank you" I said to her awkwardly smiling. Once we gotten into the movie we found are seat. This honestly feels like a date. But if feels nice,

-another tini tiny time skip-

(Play video on the top)

The movie was about to be over until I felt something on my shoulder. It was [name] tired and sleepy, I couldn't help but to smile. Seeing her sleep is one of the most adorable thing she has ever done. But the more affectionate she is the more it gets harder to tell her. Once the movie end [name] immediately got up. "Wait the movie is over?!" She said in confusion. "Y-Yeah you slept through almost half of it." She sigh in disappointment. "But you were adorable when you were sleeping." I said trying to lift her spirits but only causing her to blush. We were were heading home, I was taking [name] to her place, it's best to tell now... "[name]..." I sigh in sadness I didn't want to tell her but I had to, "I'm getting homeschooled...".....

Thank you for reading this chapter I will write the next one depending if I'm available but nonetheless I hope you are having a wonderful day ❤️

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