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So, our band does this weird warm up drill called E And As. Basically, you take it at a really slow tempo and break down a marching step. The counting for it goes:

1 e + a 2 e + a 3 e + a HALF e + a 5 e + a 6 e + a 7 e + a JAB freeze freeze freeze TOGETHER 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

(I know, right? Weird.)

Anyways, we like to have a little *sarcastic cough* fun with how we say it.

For example, Cameron does it in a different accent every day. Sometimes he does southern, British, or even Forrest Gump. XD

Another version the upperclassmen brass players like is the "Hyper E and As". Basically, one person is assigned to each part of the counting. Like, one person for the numbers, one person for the e, one person for the and, and one person for the a. Explaining it in words does not do it justice. It is hilarious. XD!!!

Everyone's favorite version is basically the title. We count everything at a quieter volume, then we all just scream JAB!!!! Sometimes, we do this when all the non-band kids are walking into school. I'm sure they are all concerned for our sanity. XD

Anyway, if your band does or did anything funny like this, make sure to leave it in the comments below.

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