Chapter 23 - Warriors decision

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"The air let me know that the witches are with the rogues but Garrett is not. He's hiding, like the bitch he is, back on my lands. He wants the final battle fought at the Black Dagger Pack house. What he doesn't understand is; as soon as I walk back on Pack land I will be three times stronger than before. My witch strength and spells will increase threefold," I shrugged my shoulders, "what can I say? Wait, I know - he's an idiot bastard."

"What about the bitch-face and ass-hat?" Blaine asked on a laugh.

"The bitch-face and ass-hat will be waiting for us on my pack lands."

"Hooray, we don't have to hunt them down," Zane said sarcastically.

"So, this is not the final battle, it's the warm-up?" Joe asked. "Why did he send his witches here? Why not save them for the final battle? He's all over the place."

"I never claimed he was a genius, now did I?" I looked at our warriors. "He doesn't know what to do. He's not an Alpha, so he doesn't know what to do. The land never lies. And, right now it's crying out in pain."

"Is everyone okay with this? I know it wasn't part of the plan to have two wars basically. It's totally up to you. Don't think we will blame you," Blaine said softly.

As the warriors were talking amongst themselves, I was thinking of why weren't we headed to my pack lands while the witches and the rogues were here. It would mess up their plans but we would have less rogues to worry about. But, then again, I wanted to get rid of these rogues once and for all. They had their chance to come find me and ask for help, they didn't...

"Are you listening, Summer?" Zane asked bemused.

"Uh, no. Sorry. I was thinking about something but I'm not if what I'm thinking would be right," I replied.

"What were you thinking?" Ace, a warrior, asked me.

"Don't yell, mates," I turned and looked at them, squinting my eyes up and crossing my arms over my chest, which caused them to zero in on my boobs. "Eyes up here, buddies," I said, pointing to said eyes.

"Yeah, what Ace asked," Blaine said, looking like an innocent boy.

I shook my head at my mates and turned back to Ace. "I was thinking...why don't we go ahead and head to my pack lands and take them out. But, it would not be safe to leave the women, children or the elderly here, not by themselves."

"Well, she's not even listening but she somehow answered our question. I'm impressed," Joe said amused.

"Ha-ha! I'm just that good," I jokingly said to Joe. I needed them to answer Zane's question from before. "Whose in for the fight tomorrow?"

All of the warrior's hands rose in the air. I wanted to cry, yell or jump up and hug them. They didn't have to help us with anything. I knew they were wanting to join our pack after the fight. I would love for them to. They were good men with good mates.

"Thank you, warriors. I promise to keep everyone safe. I wish we had some way to communicate with each other. I mean, I know a way but is everyone willing to take a chance with me?" I mused out-loud.

"Yes," all the warrior's said as they stood to their feet and bowed to me.

"Look at us, Summer, we have our own little pack right now, right here. I'm so proud," Justice said, playing as if she were crying.

I swear my wolf is crazy, over the top, drama queen. If only our mates could see her now...

"We can, Summer."

"How? I'm surprised Justice let anyone into her thoughts.

"Our wolves are bonding and sharing thoughts between each other," Zane explained.

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