Chapter 80 - Cheater

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"We're going to in a few minutes. I need you to help me all you can. He's going to cheat, I know he is," I explained.

I saw Justice nod and sit up, waiting to get down to business. I was right there with her. "Oh, yeah, you opened your mouth and asked a question. I forgot you were here," I remarked, not even looking at him.

"Right," he sarcastically said.

"Zane and Blaine, could you both step out? I want to introduce you to the bastard," I told them as I pointed to said bastard. I watched both of them step out together.

I pointed at Zane and Blaine. "They are my mates, you bastard."

"You can't have two mates. I'm not that stupid to believe you," he jeered.

I shook my head at the idiot. "Evidently you take stupid to a whole new level," I growled. "Take a big whiff, you idiot. I was blessed with two mates by the Moon Goddess."

I watched him walked closer to my mates. He leaned in and sniffed them, walking back over to me and sniffing me. I wanted to shudder but I didn't. "How?"

"The Moon Goddess," was all I said.

I watched him sneer at me. He didn't believe in the Moon Goddess. It was alright, she didn't believe in him either. I spelled my body even more. I wanted to protect my babies and myself. I knew I couldn't use magic to beat him. I would lose too much energy and I couldn't let that happen.

I reached in my bag and ate a beef stick and an energy bar. I drank some orange juice to wash everything down. I was ready for our match as the idiot stood off trying to think of what to say next. I guess he figured out his next dumb question.

"Are you ready to watch your mate die?" The bastard asked my mates.

"Wow, he figured out something stupid to say, I'm so surprised," Justice sarcastically said as she acted as if she was in shock.

Both of my mates smiled, causing the bastard to lose his smile for a second or two.

"No, we are ready to see Summer kick your ass. You do know this match is to the death, right?" Zane gleefully asked.

"Of course. But, she will be the one to die," Garrett answered cockily.

And the stupid still continues.

"Let's do this. Are you going to fight or run your mouth?" I asked the bastard calmly. I was calm and cool unlike Garrett. I could see the sweat on his forehead. He didn't want to fight me. He was scared I would beat him and he didn't want to die. I watched him motioned to the few rogues who were alive, just like I knew he would.

"Watch the rogues, the bastard is going to cheat," I growled, pleading with my eyes. I wanted them safe.

I saw them barely nod. I walked over to the challenger side of the ring and turned around to face the bastard. I had forgotten the trees were cut back from the circle. I remembered asking my dad why when I was kid. He told me so no could cheat. I didn't understand why at that time but now I do.

I watched him speak quietly to a couple of rogues. I was positive he was going to have them jump in if Garrett was losing. Again, he's showing his true colors of being a scared cheating bastard.

"Any time now, you bastard," I commented lazily, looking at my nails as if he wasn't worth my attention.

"Why? Are you ready to die quickly?" The bastard replied, glaring at me.

Stupid to a whole new level.

I only shrugged my shoulders and yawned. I could tell this made him mad. I wanted to make him mad. I knew if I could he would mess up. My dad told me to never fight in anger because that person would lose all of their techniques. It would also cause you to not pay attention to your opponents moves - something I wasn't going to let happen to me.

"This is a title challenge. Summer is challenging Garrett for her rightful Alpha position. This match is to the death or submission. There can be no interruptions or help from either side. Do you understand these rules," Leo asked.

"I do," I commented. I wondered why the words for a marriage ceremony was used as a vow in a title challenge. Disturbing thought but a thought for another day.

"Yes, yes. Let's get this over with I have things to do with my pack," the bastard bragged as he rolled his fingers in a circle, telling us to get on with it.

"Answer the question asked correctly," Leo stated, giving the bastard a look of hate.

"I do," the bastard answered sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and gestured with my hand for Garrett to start as I stood there and waited to see what he would do. The bastard didn't disappoint. He growled loudly and ran straight at me. No technique or thought. I knew he would get pissed. He was like a little boy having his toys taken away. At the last minute I ducked, rolling to my left, standing back up quickly.

He stopped himself right before he stepped out of the challenge circle.

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