Chapter 39 - Unexpected

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"Did you know your daughters been practicing black magic?" I asked the mother. She looked up quickly and pulled her daughter around and looked into her eyes.

"What the hell, Paula? I told you not to entertain black magic. It eats away at your soul," the mother shook her head slowly. "I hate to do this. But, I'm not letting you have your magic if you're not responsible." I felt the spell build but I knew it was the mom pulling her daughter's magic.

I looked over at Cora as she shook her head yes. She was giving me permission to let her mother know about her. I wasn't going to be the one to tell her mother about both daughters playing with fire.

When the Cora's mom was finished I waited. "Mom, I've played with it too." She hung her head in shame.

"Let me look into your mind-"

"-she's had another witch messing with her mind, just saying." The mother nodded at me.

I felt air displacement and I dropped down quickly. I came back up with a hard right, knocking Paula out with one swing. I looked up at the mom as she shook her head at her daughter, sadness on her face.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what he promised her but it couldn't have been good. That man is twisted as the roots of a tree," the mother explained as I nodded my head. She went back and looked at Cora's memories and let out a soft sigh.

"Did you see what I was talking about? She tried to fight the command, actually, she did fight the command. I could tell she was pushed to use black magic," I commented.

"You're right. I did see the command. If you will give me a moment I would like to take my youngest daughter home to her grandmother, one who will keep her in a cell until her trail," she explained as I nodded. She disappeared and was back in less than thirty-seconds.

Both of my mates jumped, causing the mother and I to laugh. "You should know to expect the unexpected from witches, mates."

"They're both your mates?" I nodded. "Joy to the world. You got some handsome mates, girl. I miss my mate. He was killed when Garrett came to snatch us to do his bidding. It was another reason I didn't want to help him. He needs killing. And, those rogues," she shuddered, "I will gladly kill all of them. They dragged my Semas to Garrett."

"They killed my parents, my Alpha's and a lot of my packmates," I stated the truth. We looked at each other and nodded our heads.

"I heard the rogue's in the cells talking about how nice you were. You delivered a lot of children and fed them. It's why I didn't throw a spell at you to begin with. Garrett said you were weak and we should target your mates."

"Oh, did he? If I was so weak how did I supposedly kill my parents?" I asked, using my hands to air quote the last part. "The bastard can't even make anything believable. He contradicts himself constantly. And, I would never hurt or kill my parents. And, my mates, not weak or weak willed. They're both Alpha's in their own right."

"I know," she quietly acknowledged. "Their family is with Garrett. I'm surprised he hasn't killed them yet. He's Garrett's twin and she's...a bitch."

"We call Garrett, bastard, the uncle, ass-hat and the aunt, bitch-face," I commented, laughing with everyone. "We don't call them uncle or aunt. Not at all."

"Come on, honey, let's get back inside," Zane mumbled. "Cora and your mother can ride with us, okay?" They nodded.

"My name's Phoebe in case you were wondering," she murmured to me. I smiled and nodded.

When we got to the buses, her eyes widened. "Wow. Great idea. I would have never thought of buses and hopefully the bastard won't either."

"We're ready if he does," Blaine mumbled, looking up quickly and shaking his head.

We climbed onto the bus and sat down, talking about our families and joking as if we had known each other forever. Blaine and Zane came in and handed each of us women a plate of spaghetti, discreetly handing me a few energy bars before they went back one and got their own food.

"Your mates must think highly of your abilities if they left you on the bus with us," Phoebe stated.

"They've seen me in action on more than one occasion. They know I can handle myself," I replied as Phoebe and Cora nodded and smiled.

We finished eating and were kicked back quietly talking. It was nice but I was ready to get some rest. Soon after the women excused themselves and found a seat together. They tilted their seats back and were soon asleep. Blaine came over to me and picked me up, sitting me in his lap as he leaned the chair back.

"Goodnight, mates," I mumbled, sleep coming over me quickly.

I slept so sound that I hadn't realized we were moving until I woke up. Blaine was driving and I was laying on top of Zane who was snoring quietly. I tried to move slowly but Zane grabbed hold of me. I looked over my shoulder and noticed he wasn't awake yet.

After ten minutes of trying to get up, I finally had Justice relay that if he didn't let me up I was going to pee myself and in turn pee on him. He let go of me so fast I almost fell on my face.


"Truth and Power said to be nice. I was having a nice relaxing snooze until you moved around," Justice said in a snobby tone of voice.

"Too bad," I sang.

I went to the restroom and washed my face off. I used the toilet and washed my hands, brushing through my hair as best I could. I tried to hurry in case someone else needed to use the restroom after me.

I opened the door and before I could get outside of it, a little girl spoke, "Move it or lose it, missy."

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