Chapter 36 - Don't Play

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My mates always took care of me. They were kind, sexy, funny, sexy..."

"You already said sexy, Summer, duh," my wolf, Justice, sarcastically retorted as I rolled my eyes at her.

"You ready to get on the road, mate?" Zane asked as I still stood in the doorway.

I nodded and moved to my chair and sat down. Blaine tipped my head up, letting me know it was okay. They were fine and I had already apologized. Then, of course, he hungrily kissed me, short circuiting my brain. Nice. Zane was next, kissing me breathless, again, short circuiting my brain even more. When they pulled back, I was a puddle of goo. I was trying to regain my breath but I couldn't with them right next to me. I heard some others climbing on the bus, causing Blaine and Zane to move up to the front. Thank you, Moon Goddess. I was sure everyone could tell I was kissed to nothing by looking at my lips.

I smiled as they climbed the stairs, peeking around the corner to see if we were up to something. I waved them on and turned to look at mates in the rear view mirror. They were trying to keep their faces from showing their happiness. I knew they were trouble. I smiled and blew them a kiss. They blushed and started playing with the buttons on the console.

Zane jumped off the bus, checking to make sure everyone was on their buses. I watched him walk over to huge door and open it up. He waved the buses through. I assumed he shut the door. It wasn't a minute later that he was jumping back on the bus and seating himself in the passenger seat. He pulled up a camera shot of the outside of the buses and the inside. I was wondering why he would have a camera on the inside of the buses but I was sure it was for security reasons. He always had a reason for doing what he thought was right.

I listened as the wolves in our bus started talking quietly. The kids were in jump seats, sitting around each other and playing. It was a great idea to make sure they were together and safe. I closed my eyes to get some sleep. I was still tired from the night before.

My dream was, well, a dream come true. My mom and dad were teaching me a lot more about being a witch and a werewolf. My dad was teaching me the bastard's moves and mom was teaching me more magic. I wanted to stay in my dream for a long time. I missed them sorely. I couldn't believe they were both gone, killed for nothing but selfish reasons.

I woke up but kept my eyes closed. Everyone but one person was asleep. My mom had told me we had another traitor with us and I was wondering who it was. I listened to the man as he talked. I noticed he was talking in his sleep but it was nothing more than he was thinking about food and his mate. I wanted to giggle at the cliche mumbling. I cast a wider net around the buses. I pinpointed one bus in particular. She was talking on her phone and telling them we were on our way but it would take three weeks. I realized I knew who was talking and who she was talking to.

"Pull over, Zane. I need to speak to a certain witch," I basically ordered as quiet as I could.

All the buses stopped behind ours. I hopped out of the bus, Blaine jumping out with me. I walked to the third bus and jumped on it. There were a few people on the bus still awake but I ignored them and crooked my finger at Cora. She got up and followed me off the bus.

"What the fuck to you think you are doing telling the bastard what we're doing?" I asked harshly.

"Uh, he has me call him every two days or he will kill my mother and sister. I always tell him wrong information," Cora whispered, fidgeting in her spot.

"He can track you by your phone, Cora! What the hell? I trusted you and you're going to lead them to us?" I all but yelled.

"I'm sorry, okay? I'm scared he's going to kill my family. I don't know what to do," Cora cried out, tears running down her face.

I grabbed her cell phone out of her pocket and crushed it in my hand. "I'll give you a cell phone that cannot be traced. But, he's going to know you have been found out."

"I have a solution," Blaine commented.

I looked up at him quickly, a question in my eye. "We can fake her death and take a picture of it. I can spoof her phone even though it's broken. I don't know if he will want her sister and mother to help him but if they find out she's dead they won't help him at all. Is there any way you can contact your mother and sister, Cora?"

"I can astral project for a few seconds. It would be enough time to let them read my mind."

I nodded my head. "You should have told us to start with. Now, I'm not sure I can trust you and I don't like people who lie to me. I understand your predicament but should have trusted me"

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