Chapter 75 - Building Energy

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Right before we got to the cave I had the driver stop and I snapped my fingers, making myself invisible. I walked slowly towards the cave, carefully sending my senses out to find out if anyone or anything was in the cave. The earth told me the cave was empty. I still needed to check if the structure was sound and as big I remembered it. As soon as I was sure I could do what I really wanted to do I walked back to the bus, snapping my fingers and making sure I was visible again.

"Are you good to back this bus into the cave?" I asked our driver, Kia.

"Oh yeah. I used to drive the elementary bus," Kai explained as he smiled.

"Alrighty, time to move into gear." I turned to the rest of the folks. "Kia is going to back the bus into the cave. I wanted to make sure you didn't have to sleep on the ground. Also, you will be even more comfortable and won't have to drag the coolers out."

"Bless you, child," Marylyn cried as I ran and hugged her.

Everyone take a seat again and watch the magic of Kai," I humorously said, laughing with everyone else. Kai expertly backed the bus in, making sure there was room at the doors and the emergency hatch, the back door. I jumped off the bus and looked around, happy with how the bus was parked.

I hopped back on the bus and smiled at Kai. "Great job, Kai."

"I still got, huh?" He playfully asked as the rest of us laughed at him.

"I'm going to spell the front of the cave to look as if there isn't one here. You will need to spray yourself one more time. As long as you don't run at the opening of the cave the spell will hold."

"What about our children?" Lizzet asked, nervously.

"Children and teenagers, do not run past the mouth of the cave or you will put everyone in danger," I ordered, using my Alpha tone. All the children nodded and showed me their necks. Not something I wanted but I had to make sure they wouldn't test the waters. Knowing teenagers, they would have tried their parents sorely.

We got comfortable, waiting for the sun to go down. I had already set up the spell for our warriors and I to see in the dark. I wanted every advantage we could get to help us take down the rogues. And, yes, Garrett was a rogue. He wasn't part of my pack or anyone else's either.

I ate some more beef jerky as I drank my orange juice, too. I wanted to build up my energy as much as I could. I finished eating and checked my cross-over-body bag to make sure I had enough energy bars and beef jerky. I knew I would have a cooler filled with food and drink. But, if I had to move quickly I wanted to make sure I at least had enough food to keep me going. I was as ready as I could be.

I bowed my head, noticing a lot of our people were too. I prayed to the Moon Goddess to keep us healthy in this fight. To keep the warriors safe. And, to keep the mothers, children and the elderly safe. I didn't pray for strength. I was strong enough already. I prayed for us to take out these rogues without malice in our hearts. We were taking back my pack and getting rid of the people who made our lives miserable.

Before I could open my eyes I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder.

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