Chapter 20 - Secrets

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I felt a lot better once I got everything off my chest. The hurt, the pain, the betrayal, and the anger. I knew I couldn't use anger in a fight, my dad and mom taught me that anger could blind a person to the moves of others. I didn't need to be blind against my enemies. The only thing I could do was become the warrior my father wanted me to become before taking the Alpha position. I had to grow up quick. I had to feel my parent's death but the bastard made a fatal error. He was so blinded by his thoughts of being Alpha that he didn't pause to consider what would happen once my parents died. He didn't think I would be passed on the power of a witch by my mom - a strong witch at that. He didn't realize I would get the power of a true Alpha, he only thought my mate would be the Alpha. The joke was on him two fold.

"What are you thinking about, mate?" Zane asked, looking around to see if there was a person I was mad at. Summer was scowling and making faces of glee. It was truly scary, in a non Summer way.

I didn't realize I was scowling. "I was thinking how the bastard thought my mate would take over the Alpha position, not knowing I would become Alpha and have two Alpha mates."

"He's going to find out the jokes on him. I love it," Zane commented, laughing at the thought.

I was immediately thrown to the back of my own damn mind by Justice, once again. I'm going to box her up in her cage if this kept happening.

"The joke is on him. There are more ways to get into the pack house than the ones he knows about," Justice said, laughing throatily.

"What do you mean, Justice?" Zane asked her, while I was wondering the same damn thing.

"There are twenty different ways to get into the pack house. He doesn't know about twelve of those. If we could get people in the house and catch him by surprise, it would truly shake him. And, Summer and I can take care of the witches, gaining their power too."

"Ooh, really good, Justice, thank you. Can I please talk to Summer now. I will talk to you again soon, okay?" Zane asked her.

After a minute, I was thrown back into the front of my mind again, hitting the floor on my knees and cussing her out. Can't believe that bitch pushed me to the back again. It was getting old fast.

"Justice! Quit pushing me or I will cage you! You damn well know I can do that shit. You need to give me a warning first. It knocks me off balance, okay?" I basically yelled at her, or me. Whatever, you get the picture.

I didn't get an answer from her but I was'nt expecting an answer either. She hated me yelling at, you get the picture, postcard, the idea.

Zane whimpered, causing my head to snap up in his direction. I couldn't figure out what was going on until is eyes showed his wolf. "I'm sorry for yelling at her. But, I feel as if I'm a yo-yo and it makes me off balance, okay?"

Zane nodded his head, his wolf relinquishing control back to Zane.

"Justice?" I said out-loud. "Can you show me and our mates where these tunnels are and where they are in the house. We need to know where we will be coming out at."

Justice immediately showed our mates and I the tunnels and exits.

How did she know where they all were and I didn't? I'm sure my mom talked to her. When, I don't know but she had to have.

Zane and I were quiet for a bit, looking over the tunnels and seeing where they started and ended. Both of us were going into our mind looking for the best tunnels to send some of our warriors through. If we could take out his beta and gamma, if he has one, it would help our cause. The bastard probably doesn't have either a beta or gamma. He was too much of a control freak and he wouldn't want to give anyone any power over him. He knew he wasn't a true Alpha and the pack would know too, even the rogues would know.

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