Chapter 48 - Teachings

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She was too young to have her wolf but her sense of smell was highly developed. I agreed with Blaine about Avery being a tracker when she was older. Avery was going to need training and I knew just the person to train her.


I decided sleep sounded very inviting. I finished off my energy bars, wishing I could go back to the cabin with both my mates but I needed the sleep more. Damn it! I sat back and raised the leg of the lounger, forgetting I hadn't eaten dinner. My stomach growled right on cue. I looked up to see if one of mates would feed me considering I couldn't feel my legs at the moment but Blaine wasn't sitting up in the front with Zane.

Blaine come walking up to me with a plate of goodness and a drink. I decided right then and now he deserved a kiss from me. I saw Zane looking at me so I crooked my finger, telling him to come to me. I grabbed my food and drink and placed them on the small built in table that I found and pulled Blaine to me, kissing the shit out of him. I didn't plan on having a make out session with him but it damn near turned into one. Blaine stepped back and I pulled Zane to me and kissed him until he almost vibrated. I let go of him and smiled at my mates.

"Thanks for everything you have done for me. I wanted to make sure you two know that I am eternally grateful," I told them, looking at each of them in the eyes.

Blaine smiled a pantry dropping smile. "No problem, Summer. We enjoy taking care of you."

Zane smiled and grabbed me, kissing me again. "We love you and will do anything to help you no matter what it is."

I laughed, thanking them by kissing again, well, until I heard someone whispering about me, only it wasn't much of a whisper.

"Mama, why is she kissing the twins? She shouldn't be kissing both of them. And, kissing is gross," Avery, the little girl, announced to the whole bus.

I looked at my mates and laughed. They started laughing with me. Avery was a mess and I sure hoped her mother explained what was going on. I was sure it was going to be an embarrassing conversation her mother would have.

I heard Avery say, "Oh. I didn't know you could have two mates. I hope I have two mates as good looking as Alpha Summers mates."

I looked up to see my mates blushing. They are so cute. "You two might want to get some food before it's all gone." I was giving them an out if they wanted it.

Both of them left to go get their food, leaving me to eat mine alone. I didn't mind. Plus, I was starving. I ate every drop of food. My mates entered the bus and Blaine went and took my plate and silverware to the kitchen, leaving my drink to finish. I could tell both of them were a little uncomfortable but they would have to get used to the questioning especially once our little ones are born. I could hear the conversation now. I hoped I wasn't the one who would have to explain everything to them. I know, if they are girls I will explain it. But, if they were boys my mates would have to explain everything. Yes, what a great idea. Now, I'm officially talking to myself and answering myself. Oops, guess I'm losing my mind once again.

"You lost your mind years ago," Justice, my wolf, told me.

Now, I could answer her but I think I, I will answer her. "Since you are me doesn't it mean you lost yours too?"


"Just what I thought. Score one for me." Justice sniffed and gave me her back. I didn't care and I proved my point.

I leaned back in my chair, bringing the foot up for me to rest my noodle legs up. I fell asleep quickly. I was dreaming about mom and dad teaching again. My mom was explaining about magic again and my dad was teaching me about defensive and offensive moves. I recognized my dads moves from when I was little. He taught me a lot when I was a child. But, now they were a lot more involved. I watched as he showed me the moves over and over again.

My mom was next. She taught me to see if there was any person spelled and how to make sure my pack members were safe. She taught me how to tell if a person's soul was clean of magic and how to counter it. She told me I would need to know this for my fight with the son-of-a-bitch. I giggled a little at for cursing. I didn't think I had ever heard her curse before. She taught me great defensive spells using fire and water. I had mastered fire and water but she showed me more ways to subdue my opponent. They told me they had to go but they would be watching over us and so would the Moon Goddess. I didn't want them to go. I tried reaching out for them but I could never reach them. The Moon Goddess told me that they needed to go then because teaching through my dreams was draining on them. I finally understood what she was saying. I might not have liked it but I did understand it. I thanked her for letting me have a little piece of my parents.

I was awoken by Blaine picking me up and sitting down with me on his lap. He wiped my tears away. I didn't realize I was crying until then. "Are you okay, Summer?"

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