Chapter 28 - Frozen with Fear

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"Well, crap!"

I knew we had company and I knew how many. I sighed and looked for my mates. I waited for them to get their plates and come over to the table. I just wanted to eat, damn it.

"What's up, Summer?" Zane asked.

"Uh, the sky, and we have visitors on our land," I grumped.

Blaine whistled loudly, getting everyone's attention. "We have some crashers at the gate. They couldn't even wait until we were finished eating."

Zane looked at the warriors. "We need to suit up and go meet them. See if the ladies can keep our plates warm? We all need to get changed. I'm sorry for the timing but not as bad as they are going to be sorry.

As soon as Zane was finished talking the alarm went off at the gates. We were surrounded by rogues.

I felt the vibrations of one getting close to the gate. But, as soon as I was going to say something about the rogue being close I felt him die. "We have one less rogue. I guess he liked to be crispy fried." I looked around and smiled sheepishly. "Oh, sorry. I forgot everyone's eating."

Everyone waved off the comment and returned to eating. I moved to the bunker, grabbing my uniform. The mask, black pants and black shirt. I already had my shit kickers on but I would need to take them off to get my pants on.

We quickly dressed and let the men in the bunker so they could get dressed. When they came out of the bunker the rest of our were trying to figure out who was who. It was amazing to know they couldn't tell. It meant the uniforms were the perfect ones for our siege.

I felt a witch, no, two witches at the gate, trying to short out the electric fence. "The witches are back too. I don't know if they are new or what. They feel the same to me. Everyone be careful and I'll take care of the witches. You ready?"

They yelled and started walking to the front.

"Get everyone in the bunker now! The witches have taken about twenty rogues over the fence. Go now!" I yelled, hurrying to the door outside, my mates right beside me.

"I wonder what else the witches are capable of?"

"And you just had to go there. Summer, you can't throw those words out there!" Justice screamed at me.

I ignored her, of course.

No one could answer for the loud explosion we heard on the grounds. It sounded as if part of the cabin was blown apart. And now, we were mad as hell.


When we were walking to the front of the cabin my mates pulled me to the side. I was getting ready to snap.

"Woah, we want you to go to the roof. There's a flat space in the middle of the roof. You can look at the front, back and sides. It will be easier for you to take care of the witches and the rogues, okay," Zane explained.

"Show me, please. I need to get up there before our group goes outside," I basically ordered.

Zane and Blaine nodded, grabbing my hands and walking towards a door I had thought was a closet. They opened the door. We walked up the stairs and Blaine opened the locks on the roof. They grabbed me and kissed the shit out of me, making me lose my wits. How in the hell was I supposed to think at this point? I took a minute, or two to get my mind back on business and get on the roof.

I nodded my head as my mates mouthed 'love you'. I stayed low on the roof, waiting for the rest of our group to get outside. Once the warriors stepped outside the fighting started. The rogues were brutal and the witches were...where?

I looked around for a little bit. I needed to help our warriors. I felt like a failure. Shit! I started panicking. My vision went blurry, my breathing was heavy and my hearing was going in and out.

"Snap out of it, bitch! Come on, Summer, the witch is messing with your mind, causing you to doubt yourself!" Justice yelled.

My panic attack was going away with Justice's word. "Hey, thanks. But, you are the bitch," I told Justice as she turned her back on me.

I looked around again and then it hit me. Of course, they are using a shadow spell. I needed to look for the shadows not connected to anything else. I found one and asked the earth to help taking the foul women down. They complied immediately. I turned in a slow circle, looking for the other shadow. It took some time but I found her in the shadow of a tree.

"Smart," Justice said dryly. "Come on, Summer, take the witches down so we can get back to our mates."

I rolled my eyes and again asked the earth to hold the witch down. I climbed down from the from the roof. I walked until I was at the side door and went out of it. The rogues were trying to take me down. But, when they touched me they were frozen by me. I didn't want to deal with them, not until I took care of the witches.

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