Chapter 53 - Sleep Walking?

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"Can you hear me now?" I joked with them.

They started laughing and nodded their heads. "Okay, we need a password in case the witches try to talk lies into your mind. They shouldn't be able to but I don't know how many witches he will have with him. So, our password is going to be...applesauce.

They started laughing, tears rolling down their cheeks, holding their stomachs from their laughs. I was happy that I could make them laugh. It was the reason I picked the password I did. We hadn't laughed as much in awhile.

"Let's get going. The faster we get there the faster we can finally get comfortable in a pack again," Zane explained.

I got up with a little help from Blaine. He took me to the bus and got into the passenger seat. I went to my chair and got comfortable. I was still a little tired but I mostly wanted to kick back and relax. I wasn't sure if I would be able to relax again for awhile. We were steadily getting closer to the Black Blade pack. I hoped they hadn't trashed everything but I wasn't holding out hope. I was worried about my people. I wasn't sure how the bastard treated women. Did he sexually abuse them or otherwise abuse them? Did he hurt the kitchen women? I was afraid of what I would find. I knew the rogues would be amoral. I hoped the women were protected but knowing the bastard they weren't. I had so many questions and worries.

I closed my eyes on my thoughts, hoping to fall asleep. My mind was on the women, men and children. I found myself in the cells. I didn't know if it was a dream or if astral projected in my sleep. If I did astral project in my sleep it was something new for me. I found Matt quickly, letting him know we were a few days away from them but to keep his mouth shut from telling everyone in the cells. I let him know that the bastard had planted listening devices in the cells. He told me he already knew about them. He would tell his mate and children through their family mind-link. I nodded and made my way to the pack house. 

I found the women in the kitchen. Some were cooking while others were sewing dresses for bitch-face. They all were bruised. I spoke into their minds, letting them know that I was going to be there in the next week. I didn't want to give too much information. I wasn't sure if they were still on my side. It's why I said a week away instead of days. They started crying, thanking me profusely. I let them know not to cry because the bastard and his cronies would know something was up. I did ask the ladies separately if they knew how many witches Garrett had. I now had my answer. I left them with the knowledge that I loved them and hadn't forgotten them. They nodded their heads and I woke up, sitting up quickly.

"Are you okay, Summer?" Blaine asked me as he walked towards me and wiped my tears.

"I'm okay. I astral projected in my sleep. I don't know how but I told a few of the trusted women know we would be there in a week."

"But, we will be there sooner," Zane told me.

"I know. But, I wasn't sure if I could trust them with the information. They are bruised and battered. I'm so afraid for them." I let out a cry of pain. I tried to quit but it wasn't happening. I cried all over Blaine but he didn't seem to mind. I got myself together and stood up from my chair. Blaine had me set in the passenger seat, knowing I wanted to talk.

"I know they are abusing the women. Bitch-face has some of the ladies sewing dresses for her. I don't know who bruised their faces but that person is going to die. Hard. I'm sure it was all of them. So, put them down hard. I also found out how many witches he has with him."

"What? How did you find this out?" Zane asked.

"I asked different people at different times. They all said the same thing. He only has three because we killed the others. Most of the witches ran overseas to get away from him. He will have a lot less when I get a hold of them," I said with conviction." It was weird astral projecting in my sleep. I didn't use any energy when I did. I don't know why and I don't know how but I'm okay with the outcome."

I got a sideways hug from both of my mates. I loved them so much. They make my heart happy. I now knew what the saying about hearts in a person's eye meant. I'm sure I had the same look in mine. I was happy in the knowledge that my mates took care of me and the people with us. I thanked the Moon Goddess daily for them.

I couldn't sleep anymore. I felt as if I had the best sleep of my life earlier. I grabbed the jewelry making kit and worked on making more necklaces. I zoned out as I made the necklaces. My mind was on the battle we had coming up soon. I was wondering if I forgot to do something but when I went over everything in my mind I couldn't think of anything. I had to make sure they were safe. They were fighting with me. I knew a lot of them were wanting to take out bitch-face and ass-hat but I knew they would be taking out rogues. Rogues have always fought dirty. I wondered if I could put some moves in their minds. It was worth a shot. My dad taught me moves no one knew about. He was our best fighter. And, he knew how to fight dirty like no one else. It was something he ingrained in me at a young age. All those games we played when I was young was training, teaching me to fight against foes and rogues. My parents were smart. And, I miss them so much. I shook the thoughts out of my head and looked up.

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