Chapter 81 - Dirty Dog

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He stopped himself right before he stepped out of the challenge circle. He, again, growled loudly and ran up to me, taking a swipe at my head. I was ready for his move and shoved his arm back towards him, kneeing him in his junk. He went down, tears running down his face.

"That was a low blow, you bitch!" Garrett yelled at me as he rocked on the ground, gritting his teeth.

I smiled at him and put my hand to my eye, moving it around as if I was calling him a cry baby without saying a word. Oh, that made him mad. He jumped up and swung his leg around, trying to sweep my legs. He thought he could cause me to fall but all he did was leave himself open. I jumped his legs, throwing my fist at his jaw. He went down hard, shaking his head a couple of times. He had yet to land a punch or kick on me but I knew he would hit me eventually.

"Shit, Summer! Another witch is about to step onto our land!" Justice screamed.

"It's alright, Justice. I know where she is. The earth is holding her down for me," I explained calmly. I was trying to stay calm, but I didn't know if her spell made it through on my mates. I didn't have time to find out. "Justice, let our mates know she might have made their protection spell weak. I can't check right now." I saw Justice nod in my mind.

Garrett swung his fist at me, hitting my jaw hard. I felt the hit but it only felt as if he tapped me. Good to know. The bastard was surprised I hadn't gone down as I stood there and smiled again. He was so mad he kicked me in the stomach. My mates gasped, scared he hurt our children. But, the bastard didn't know I had triple spelled my stomach. I don't think I told my mates either. Garretts kick hurt him more than me. He was holding his ankle as he glared at me.

"You were supposed to lose your children. I can hear three heartbeats. Yours, and two children," he growled.

I laughed loudly. "I knew you were dirty. But, to try and cause me to abort my children was the wrong move for you." I growled so loud the ground shook. The rogues knelt down and showed their necks as Garrett tried to fight the demand for submission. It wasn't my plan but whatever. "Look at you, your men are on their knees as you fight against the submission yourself. Now, tell me who is the true Alpha?"

Garrett growled, trying to match mine. It didn't do anything to our people or the rogues. He was getting madder by the second. He glared at me as he rushed me with his arms wide. Justice helped me to partially shift. I took my claws across his chest, ducking down, spinning on my knee to claw his back too. He roared out in pain. The bastard kicked out his leg and hit me in the face as hard as he could. I didn't move but a half of an inch or less. I felt the kick a little bit more but I was still okay.

"Why aren't you feeling my powerful hits?" Garrett questioned as he gaped at me.

"You're an idiot," was all I told him.

"You can't use magic in our title fight! You're cheating!" He screamed as loud as he could.

I shrugged my shoulders. "It wasn't stipulated in our rules. You should have had your head on straight instead of up your ass."

"She can't do that," he complained to Leo, stomping his foot as if throwing a fit.

"Yes, she can. You didn't put your own rules into play before you said I do. The rules are to make the other submit or kill them," Leo explained calmly.

I could see my mates wide grins. I could also tell Garrett was getting even more mad and frustrated. "I don't know about you but I'm fighting to the death. I have my orders from the Moon Goddess and she wants you gone. You turned away from her teachings, killing your mate as well as killing the people here in a sickening and childish way. You had hate and jealousy in your heart when you killed them for no reason."

"You lie!" He roared.

I was about to open my mouth when I felt something over my left shoulder.

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