Chapter 3: Pussy Donor

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I've been sitting in my office all fucking morning thinking about today. I hardly slept last night. And the more I think about it the more I realize my life is about to change so much. After nine months, I'd have to spend less time at HQ. I'd have to change my whole lifestyle.

But what's stressing me out the most, is Mercedes. There's just something about that girl. She definitely doesn't seem like the kind of person who would want to keep the baby after birth, but neither does she seem like someone who would settle for what she doesn't want.

Speak of the fucking devil. "Thought I'd find you in here" she said as she walked into my office. I simply replied with a nod.

In the past few days we've communicated a lot. After signing the contract she demanded a copy of it. I didn't refuse but when she actually read it she realized this wasn't going to be as fun as she expected.

There were a lot of things she didn't agree with, at first I refused to change them but damn does she have a way with her words. Cathy and I agreed to give her a new contract, one that suits her needs as much as it suits ours. And this time it didn't take her a few hours to read but a few days.

She smirked at me as she slid the big envelope across the table. "Did you actually read it this time" I said. Her cheeks became red. "Yes" she replied with her little attitude.

I turned to put away the envelope and when I turned back she was still standing in front of my desk. Her beautifully long legs looked toned under her yellow floral mini dress. Her body's curves perfectly hugged by the dress and the low cut neck revealing a generous amount of her tits.

When I finally met her eyes she was looking back at me. "Didn't your mother tell you it's disrespectful to stare" she said taking a seat. "There's a difference between staring and admiring, Mrs. Lopez" I said taking a sip of my whiskey. She blushed then looked away. "But although your body is wonderful to gaze at in that dress, don't you think it's a little too much for going to the hospital" I asked.

"I thought you'd appreciate a body to 'gaze' at, seeing that your house lacks of beautifully built women" she said with a smirk. "Wrong, my house lacks of whores and I would gladly like to keep it that way. Wear some fucking clothes Mercedes" I said standing and walking out of the room.

I saw her walking out after me with her sulky face. The fucking nerve she has to walking into my house and try to seduce me. She's one ballsy woman.

We waited for at least an hour before the fucking doctor decided to show up. When he finally pitched he gave one of those shitting doctor excuses. As we were sitting in his office he talked us through the whole process.

He directed me to a room next to were Mercedes and Cathy were. "Sir this is where you'll have to..." he said giving me a small container. Interrupting him in the middle of his sentence I said, "You want me to cum in the container".

"Basically" he said giving me a shocked look. I took the container and before he left he turned back to me. "Take your time and make sure you're comfortable, but the sooner the better. If you need anything to help, just ring the bell. I'm right next door" he said. If he's about to offer me porn, he must be out of his fucking mind.


Catherine constantly smiled at me while we waited. She kept encouraging me and telling me how excited she was. As I looked at her I realized how stupid she actually is. She wasn't like any of the other wives. Unlike the others she was cheerful, exited and happy whereas the others hated me they were jealous and didn't give a fuck about me. But not Catherine, she trusted me from the beginning, although I could just walk away or kill her baby maybe get an abortion but still she trusts me. Fucking idiot.

I looked at the tinted window separating us from James' room, and couldn't help but emagining him jerking off. What if was looking right at me as he brought himself to a climax. Or what if he was thinking of how he'd fuck me on that beautiful office desk at home. How he'd lay me down and fuck me from behind. His gorgeous face would look at mine as he took me. He'd be buried balls deep in my little pussy. And fuck, will he enjoy it.

I'm brought out of my day dream by James walking through the door. My cheeks flushed red as he noticed I was looking at the window. He knows what I was thinking about, because before leaving again he gives me a smirk. "Goodluck, pussy donor" he said and closed the door. I smiled and Catherine gave and awkward laugh. I'm his fucking pussy donor.

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