Chapter 12: Bossman

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After lunch Mercedes and I went through some work that had to be done. She layed on my lap as she set appointments on her iPad while I went through endless emails and contracts. Regularly she'd look up to me and give me a smile.

"You have a dinner tonight with the envestors, you know that?" she said looking up to me. "That's tonight" I asked no taking my eyes off of my screen. "Apparently" she replies.

She waits patiently as I finish replying to the email. "Well then we'd better get you a dress" I reply and she gives a little smile. "No thanks, the invitation was for you" she says looking down at her lap. "But I want you to come" I say making a puppy face.

"I don't belong with that crowd. Way too fancy for me" she said forcing a smile. "Come on. You're the baddest bitch I've ever met. You don't even need to wear designer to look good babygirl" I said as she rolled her eyes. "Whatever" she said as she stood up.

"I'm deadass serious" I said as she walked to the kitchen. "I mean look at that ass. Oh my God that waist though and those full lips. And don't get me started on those little A cup tits" I said and she turned around. "Fuck you James. I'm a C cup" she said playfully giving me the finger.

"What will it be tonight, Ms. López. Tommy Hilfiger or Versace" I asked opening my contact list. "Neither. Because I'm not attending a dinner with snobbish women and lustfull men" she said folding her arms. "Well I would highly suggest Hilfiger" I said in a professional voice.

"You're wasting your money" she rolled her eyes.

"Well I guess we'll go with Hilfiger then" I said.

"I'm going to take a shower. Then I'm going to fall asleep in the middle of a movie" she said climbing the stairs.

My heart started beating faster as we approached the big mansion. I could see the house filled with guests as most of it was cover with floor to ceiling windows. I already started feeling out of place driving through this expensive neighborhood.

James held my hand and I realized it had been shaking. I looked outside the window as I started regretting listening to James. He gave me a whole speech on how beautiful I am then of course I fell for it.

James led the way as we walked into the house. Numerous waiters walked past us offering appetizers as we entered. James let go of my hand as many people started greeting him. Some would look my way and greet me and some would simply ignore me.

I followed James around as he made small talk and shared drinks with his colleagues.

"Jacobs" I cheerful voice said from behind us. As James and I turned around I found a fairly musculan man, dressed in a navy blue suit. He had thick black hair, green eyes and a gorgeous smile. Next to him stood a tall woman dressed in a white body hugging jumpsuit. It hugged her curves beautifully and her brown ombred hair was cut in a wavy bob. She had beautiful blue eyes and her cheekbones sat perfectly.

"McKenzie" James said with a smile. As he went in for a handshake the woman looked at me. As her eyes traveled down my body she stopped by my tummy then looked me in the eyes. Her eyebrows turned up in disgust then she turned to James.

They clearly knew each other because she looked at us in suspicion. "You two should go get a drink maybe" James said trying to politely dismiss me and the woman. "I can't have alcohol" I said disagreeing. "Don't worry I don't drink, honey" the woman said taking my hand.

After ordering us drinks she turned to me and suddenly the smile was wiped off of her face. "Rebecca McKenzie" she said extending her hand towards me. "Mercedes López" I said shaking her hand. "You know he's married right" she said taking a sip of her drink. Immediately I knew what an annoying bitch she was going to be. She was probably a spoilt gossip girl in school then married a rich man and probably spends her time shopping.

"I'm aware of that" I say looking her in the eye. "So what are you doing, this is crearly not your scene" she said. My patience started wearing off as she gave me snobbish looks. "That's none of your business and u shouldn't go around telling people where they belong dressed like that" I said and a smirk appeared on her face.

"Of course. I definitely am in no place to judge, expecially dressed in Fendi" she said showing of her huge wedding ring. "Maybe if you were wearing a custom Tommy Hilfiger dress you'd be better for the part" I said purposefully adjusting my dress.

She smirked as she took another sip of her drink. "How much do you know about James. Besides the size of his bank account and his dick." she asked nonchalantly. Anger rushed through my body as she takes small sips of her drink. I nearly start telling her about me being his surrogate and how I know nearly everything about him but I decide against it. I don't owe her an explanation. And her husband is probably one of James' friends, so if James wanted the surrogacy to be known I wouldn't be answering these questions right now.

"Not that it has anything to do with you, but I'm James' assistant and I've accompanied him to this dinner in his wife's absence. We simply work together so that should give you an idea of how much I know of him, his penis and his bank account" I say before downing the rest of my drink. I give her a smile and a wink before I stand up and wonder off.

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