Chapter 36: The Reasons

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I grabbed my jacket as I got out of the car. ti started drizzling as i walked up to the huge double doors. I rang the doorbell and Matthew opened the door looking surprised. "Hey man" he said standing in front of the door. I looked past him and saw a blonde woman sitting on the couch. He looses Mercedes then cheats on her on the same night. Fucking asshole. "Where the fuck is Mercedes" I ask and his face scrunches up in confusion. "Rebecca said she'd make sure she got home safely. They spent the night together at the party" he says and i sigh in frustration. I take my hand through my hair as I try to breathe. "Rebecca seriously. You left her with Rebecca" I say giving a stressful chuckle. 

"She didn't come home did she" he asks as if it's not already fucking obvious. "Yes. She didn't fucking come home" I say trying to stop myself from punching him. he grabs his phone and starts texting her. "I already tried that" I say and he looks at me. "Maybe she spent the night at Rebecca's" he says. I nod my head not even bothering to protest. As I turn around to walk away he says something. "Let me grab my jacket" he says and I nearly start laughing. "No thanks" i say and his mouth turns up in a smirk. "That wasn't a question" he says as he walks out of his house.

I furiously walk to my car. I'm really not going to waste my time arguing with this idiot. The sooner I find Mercedes the quicker I get him out of my hair. He opens his garage exposing his collection of sports cars. Fucking show off. And of course out of all his cars he has to take the Lamborghini SUV. Can he just be normal. He drives behind me as we go to Rebecca and McKenzie's. 

We stop in front of their house. As I knock on the door I'm greeted by McKenzie dressed in his usual attire. His jeans looking like they are crushing his balls as always. He smiles as he sees me then smirks when he sees Matthew behind me. I roll my eyes and he starts laughing. Apparently they know each other. Matthew worked on most of the creative work back when McKenzie was starting his business. Which means I'm going to be seeing a lot more of Matthew than I would like. "Gentlemen" he says looking at both of us. "Morning man. We were just..." Matthew starts talking but I cut him off. "Is Mercedes here" I ask as McKenzie tries to hold in his laugh. "Rebecca left with her after the party. Saying they were going to the club or something" he says letting us in. "Did Rebecca come home" I ask then realize what a stupid question that was. "No." he says with a chuckle. 

"Look guys. I know both of you are worried about her but Rebecca does this all the time. She gets wasted then does dumb shit. They'll be back" he says and i feel like punching him as hard as I want  to punch Matthew. "Mercedes is pregnant, she doesn't drink." I say and both of then look shocked. "You know for two well respected men, you two are idiots" I say. "Excuse me" Matthew says before walking out of the room. "James let's be honest Mercedes isn't one of the most the responsible people" he says looking me in the eye. "So you're suggesting she's out drinking with your wife" I say. He shrugs his shoulder and and turns around. I grab his shoulder making him turn back to me. "Look McKenzie out of everybody I expected you not to judge my decisions, but seems that isn't the case. Call your fucking wife and ask her where my surrogate is" I say and he shoves me back. "I tried James. All fucking morning." he says then goes back to pouring himself whiskey.

"You really need to start wearing the pants in you relationship McKenzie" I say adjusting my jacket. "James you are in no position to tell me about my relationship" he says laughing nonchalantly. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean" I say and he puts his whiskey down. "James we all know about your past. Everything you are today is because of Cathy. So your little act to save your surrogate isn't fooling me. You only care about yourself " he says  and I shake my head in surprise. "Guess who brings home the bacon now. Me. Unlike you my wife respects me. You know why, because she's not a loose whore like your wife. Some things just never change" I say and he punches me. "James that's sallow man." he says looking at me. "She's so used to being tossed around she doesn't know how to behave around only one man" I say and he punches me again. "You know what James she's just like you. I know you've repeatedly cheated on you're wife. Probably with that little bitch Mercedes as well" he says and I punch him back. "Say that again" I say with us breathing in each other's faces with my hand on his collar. "Your're a dick James. And it doesn't take much to figure that out. You and Rebecca are the same. I should've let you two just find your way back to each other." he says and Matthew walks back into the room. "I know we're al stressed but violence won't resolve anything" Matthew says as I put McKenzie down. 

"I don't your help. not either of you care anyway" I walk to the door. "James come on. I didn't mean any of that" McKenzie says and I just keep walking.


"Would you fucking stop pacing please" Rebecca shouts as Franklin walks up and down. "Let's just call him and give him the ransom" he says and I turn to Rebecca in disgust. "Your're putting the life of an innocent child on the line for money. You're disgusting" I say and she laughs with sarcasm in her voice. "This is about way more than money Mercedes" she says with an evil smile. Franklin gives a sigh and sits down. "Rebecca this isn't right. I get it we're both upset with the Jacobs but this isn't it." he says and she turns to him slowly. "If you want to turn into a saint now then pull out of the plan. But say a single word to anyone and I'll hunt you down. Catherine is a spoiled little brat, I finally had the one thin she did not have and she took that form me too." she says. "What are you going on about" I say in frustration. For the past Lord knows how many hours she's been going on about getting revenge on Cathy but she doesn't elaborate.

"Let me enlighten you" she says with her breath in my face. "Please" I say rolling my eyes in annoyance. "Cathy and I go way back. We were best friends since middle school. But because Cathy's parents were rich, she always got recognition. She was the best in every sport she did, she was always first in all her classes and that was only because her parents filled up the school's pockets." she says and I realize just how stupid and petty this is. "You're seriously going to kill a child over some petty grudge you have" i say and she turns to me looking angry. 

"Imagine living your life in the shadow of someone you considered your best friend. You walk through the same fucking school walls everyday and yet nobody knows your name." she says and i just roll my eyes. "Then came junior year. We went to a college party and that's where i met James. We secretly dated for two years. I knew he probably had other hoes behind my back but when I finally graduated high school, I was ready to put all of them in their place. James and I broke up over some petty fight. I thought we'd get over it but a few days later he was walking around campus with his tongue stuck down Catherine's throat" she says and tears start to fill up in her eyes. I fight back my laugh as she cries.

Franklin steps out of the room. I stand up to get another bottle of water as Rebecca sits in her chair. 

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