Chapter 18: Top

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He pulled my hair back to kiss me as I sat on his lap. I lifted my hips as he pulled my dress up. His hands slowly kept moving higher till they reached my breast. He removed the bra from them allowing my breasts to pop out with my nipples standing proudly. A moan escaped my mouth as he kissed my neck. He moved my thong to the side and started rubbing my clit. He slipped in two fingers. I put my head on his shoulder as my hips moved in circular motions. I could feel his hard dick through his pants. And both our chests lift and fall as we take deep breaths.

"Lift you hips" he says and I lift them. His hands work on his pants as he fingers me deep. He takes out his warm cock. I rub my hungry pussy on it slowly. "Fuck" he moans as our privates rub each others. " Holy fuck Mercedes. I want you to ride my cock" he says slipping in his massive length. He lifts his hips and thrusts into me a few times before guiding my hips. I held on to his arms a I rode his cock.

"Your so fucking sexy" he said kissing me. He grabbed my neck as we both climax. I let out a loud moan as our shaking bodies reached their climax.

"Spread you legs on the table" he demanded. I put my back against the cold wood as he spread my legs. He rubbed my clit as his tongue worked on it as well. His licking action was intense. His tongue moved slowly and deeply as he slipped in his fingers. With his one hand working on my clit, the other inside me and his tongue slowly torturing me my body started shaking. I moan heavily as I waited for my climax.

Then he stopped. I looked at him as he smirked at me. "What the fuck" I said slightly annoyed. He shook his head then took out a sperm shaped thing out of his desk drawer.

"What's that" I asked as he stood up. "Relax" he said putting it between my legs. He leaned down to kiss me as somebody knocked on the door.

We both looked at each other in shock. He put his finger on my mouth before buttoning up his pants. "Who is it" he asked as I jumped up adjusting my clothes.

"Sorry to disturb, but I brought some lunch man" Franklin's voice said from the other side of the glass door. "Franklin I thought I made it clear that I have a lot of work to do" James said sounding slightly annoyed. I put my hair in place then sat across the table pretending to work. "I know, I know but everyone turned down my offer to go to the club" he said sticking his head into the room. "Because thay all have jobs. Don't you" James asked sitting in his chair. "Don't we all" he said entering the room. Both James and I looked at each other rolling our eyes.

"Some chicken wings and a beer for the gentlemen and something healthy for the pregnant lady" he said placing the food on the table. He looked at me and smiled as he gave me the salad. "Franklin I don't eat chicken" James said. "Don't worry, I brought two salad in case the lovely lady was craving more." he took out another salad.

"You're not leaving are you" James said with a chuckle. Franklin laughed and I tried my best to fake a laugh. "I'll be right back" James said. I looked at him begging him not to leave me with this freak.

"So how's James" Franklin asked as soon as James entered the bathroom. "What" I asked in surprise. "I mean someone like you should be very lucky to even look at someone like James." he said. "Excuse me" I said feeling my face heat up. "Your looks are the only thing that could keep you with a man like him. And they probably are, aren't they?" he said running his hands through my hair. "Franklin I will not tolerate this level of disrespect" I said pushing his arm away. As I stood up to walk to James he grabbed my wrist. "You dare say a word, you'll regret it" he said looking into my eyes.

He let go of my wrist as James opened the bathroom door. "No it absolutely fine, I'll poor you some water. You sit down" he said with a smile standing up. James shook his head and laughed as he sat down. I tried my best to smile back.

And just like that. He made me feel absolutely worthless. I was back to being just the surrogate mistress. He was right. The only thing keeping me with James was my looks. How can an average girl from New York be worth enough to be associated with people like him.

He put the water in front of me and I forsed a smile. "Are you ok" James asked. I gave a nod. "Just lost my appetite" I said pushing the salad away. "Should I take you home" he asked. "It's okay, I'll get a cab. You two enjoy your lunch" I said rushing out before James could protest.

I ran for the bathroom at the end of the floor as I gagged. Franklin's words kept repeating themself in my head. Tears fell from my eyes as I collapsed in front of the toilet. My eyes went blurry as I kept throwing up.

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