Chapter 21: All Eyes

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I sat on the couch across Rebecca as I drank my tea. She took little sips of her wine as she ate some of the snacks Cathy prepared. As when watched the movie I felt her eyes on me.

Cathy had already passed out after her second glass of wine not even an hour into the first movie. "Cut the bullshit" Rebecca said out of nowhere. "Excuse me" I said looking at her. "I'm sure James gave you a brief history. We are very close and I would want anyone hurting him or his family" she said looking me in the eye. "Holy fuck. One could swear you're his side chick. You're so in his business" I said brushing her off. She leaned back in her chair smiling. "I like you. You really are an intriguing woman but that doesn't mean I trust you. I've got my eyes on you" she said standing up.

Her eyes opened wide as she checked her phone. "You okay" I asked as she switched it off. "Yes, just have things to attend to." she said walking to the door. As she walked out I realized that it was nearly two in the morning. Immediately I started getting worried about James. I went up to his office to check if he had left a note or something. But I find it empty. As I sit in his chair, memories of how he used to fuck me here flood my mind. All the mornings we had breakfast in our pj's. All the times we called in sick just so we can stay home and have sex all day. Shit. I miss him.

I climb into bed as the headache comes back. I shut my eyes and think of anything besides James. He's Cathy's problem not mine.


I wake up to the horrible sound of a boiling kettle. When I wake up my neck and back hurt. I struggle to focus as a big headache hits my head. "Morning sunshine" Kelly says as she stand in the kitchen. Beside her is a tall, lean and tanned blonde guy. Who I assume is her boyfriend or husband for all I care. "What's the time" I ask in a raspy voice. "It's nearly ten brother" the shirtless guy says putting a sandwich in front of me on the small coffee table.

"Thanks but no thanks" I said pushing it away. "Well at least take a bite James. I didn't make it for no reason" Kelly said putting a cup of coffee in front of me. As she moved passed her boyfriend I noticed that her tummy looked slightly big. Holy fuck. Is Kelly actually pregnant.

"This is my fiancé Carter" I sat back in the couch giving him a nod. "What's up" he said returning the nod.

"He beat someone up at the club last night. One of his good friends. They harassed his side chick. But his side chick is also his surrogate who lives with them. His wife has no clue. Now his scared to go home because his side chick might spill the beans and his wife would want answers about his bloody knuckles and shirt " she said." Thanks for the reminder Kelly " I said slightly annoyed.

She smiled at me before turning on the television." Eat your food and fuck off, Carter and I have plans for today." she said leaning on his chest. " We're having a baby and we want to go shopping for clothes and stuff" she said looking at me then into his eyes. He kissed her then smiled and I was actually very happy for her. "Well James hurry the fuck up" she said as she looked at me. "Holy fuck Kelly. Are you this disrespectful with all your guests" I said taking a sip of coffee.

"Trust me you have it easy man" Carter said as he ran his hand through Kelly's hair.

I sat in the parking lot for nearly twenty minutes before I entered the hospital. The woman at the front desk kept looking at my raw knuckles. "Franklin who" she asked and I realized I had no idea what his surname was. "Um I'm not exactly sure" I said scratching my head. "When was he admitted" she asked. "Mam I'm not even sure if he was admitted but if he was then last night" I said and the old lady gave my a stinky look.

"Franklin Brown?" she asked as. "I told you. I don't know" I said before she gave me another look. "Down the hall" she said before dismissively turning her chair around.

As I walked down the hall I saw Rebecca dressed in a grey maxi dress sitting on one of the chairs. Her eyes looked tired and her hair wasn't neatly slicked back as always. "Rebecca. What are you doing here" I asked and she looked up in surprise. "James. What a coincidence." she said then paused looking at my hands and outfit. "When was the last time I saw you in sweats" she says with a smirk. "I'm here to get some information about a open post. You? " she says in a unsure tone.

"One of my friends got admitted" I say and I notice her eyes looking past me. "Oh. How come" she said in a serious tone. "Not really sure myself" I said with a awkward chuckle. "Well I hope you friend gets well soon" she says before taking her handbag. "Tell Cathy and Mercedes I say hi" she says before leaving. My heart starts beating faster as I try to figure out how she knows about Mercedes.

She only knows her as my assistant. And Rebecca would never send greetings to an assistant.

As I enter Franklin's room I find him lying on the bed. His nose was covered in band aids and his lips were swollen with a rip in them. He held his stomach as he tried to sit up. "Relax I won't be long" I said standing next to the bed. "My nose is broken, and a couple of my ribs are bruised" he said looking at the envelope on his bed. "Yea I don't give a shit. What do you know" I said and he laughed. "Everything James. I was only trying to provoke her when I said she was sleeping with you but after you beat me up it was clear that it was true." he said and started gasping for air.

"So what now" I asked. "Nothing James. I'm not going to ruin your marriage last time I checked we're friends and as your friend I only want the best for you." he said looking me in the eye. "Cut the bullshit Franklin. I know you want something" I said looking at him. "I don't need to ruin you marriage to get what I want" he said as his eyes went closed. "Look Franklin I don't believe any of this. So don't call me trying to blackmail me into doing shit for you" I said and he laughed.

"You're fucking high on whatever they're giving you, aren't you" I said and he smiled. "High as a bitch" he said turning his head to me and slowly opening his eyes.

I shook my head then left the room. I can't waste my time on this bullshit.

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