Chapter 29: Do Me

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As we stop outside the house James looks at me then takes out an envelope. I open it and more pictures of him and I having sex on nearly every piece of furniture he own. "You waited till we were in your driveway to give me this" I say nonchalantly. "That's not the point Mercedes" James says as he takes his hand through his hair.

I open the door forcefully. Before grabbing my bag out of James' hand I give him a nasty look. "Are you always such a dick" I mumble as I  walk away. "Well you make it hard not to be one" he says as I walk to the door.

As I stomp into the house Cathy turns to me. "What's wrong with you" she asks as she takes a sip of her smoothie. As I look at her I shake my head at the audacity she has to even look at me after what she said. "You're fucked up. Your whole family is fucked up." I say and she turns back to the blender. "It's not my fault you're date was bad" she says with a sarcastic chuckle.

"My date was great actually. That's until your husband dragged me out of there" I say. And her face shows confusion. We both turn TO James as he enters. He shrugs his shoulders as he sits down to drink his smoothie. "Why'd you get Mercedes" Cathy says. "You said it yourself. We signed a contract and she can't roam around without our consent" he says nonchalantly.

"She is a person, she deserves privacy James. We can't follow her every move" she says taking my side. "That's not what I'm doing." He replies without even making eye contact. "How did you know where she was" Cathy says folding her arms.

Cathy shouldn't think backing me up is going to earn my forgiveness though. James clenches his jaw in frustration. He looks away as he takes his hand through his hair. "I knew it. You're tracking her. You're such a control freak." she says laughing from the disbelief. James remains quiet and I see the annoyance in his eyes.

"I told you from the start, not to be" Cathy says making James look at her. "So you don't" James says as he stands up. "You know that's not what I meant. Your being so sensitive" gave says rolling her eyes. James nods then leaves the kitchen.

"James come back. You're acting very immature" Cathy shouts in a stern voice. She sighs before walking after him. "Thanks for that," I say as she climbs the stairs.

"That wasn't for you" she says with a look of disgust before walking up the stairs. I throw my bag on the counter in frustration. As I'm about to check my phone the doorbell rings.

As I open it I find Rebecca with her signature slicked back ponytail. "Is Cathy home" she asks looking over my shoulder. "If she was here don't you think she'd answer her own doorbell" I lie. As much as I hate Cathy at the moment I care for her and I don't think hanging out with Rebecca is very good for her now.

"OK. What were you doing today" she looks at me up and down with her snobbish eyes. "On a date" I say boldly. "Someone's seeing you?" she says with humour in her eyes making me feel little. "Why are you always so rude" I ask defeated.

"Because Mercedes when you are a well respected woman there's a certain way you act and speak. And that's why you struggle to fit in with US. So maybe rather than listening to how people say something, listen tho what they say. Start by not showing up in pathetic prom dresses to important functions ". She says but I how genuine she is in her eyes.

"Well then let Cathy know I was here" she says before turning around to leave. I nod and as I'm about to close the door she turns around. "Oh and Mercedes. I'd really like to have coffee with you sometime" she says with a smile. I close the door as she climbs in her car.

That's weird. As I go upstairs I feel a sense of warmth in my heart. That was the last thing I expected from Rebecca. Something still tells me I shouldn't trust her.


As Cathy, Mercedes and I sat around the table in silence we ate our dinner. After a few awkward stares Cathy put down her fork loudly. "Clearly there's tension between us. So are we going to hash it out like adult or ignore it like a bunch of teenagers" she says looking at us. Both Mercedes and I turn around to look at each other at the same time.

"Ok then. I'll start" Cathy says followed by silence. Neither Mercedes or I say anything waiting for Cathy to begin. "I hate the tension. And I think it's toxic for everyone including the baby. We need to work together as a team to make this work" Cathy says looking specifically to Mercedes. "Now you care about the baby" Mercedes mumbles and I can see the annoyance in Cathy's eyes.

"I am sorry for my behavior the last few weeks. James and I have agreed that me hanging around Rebecca is maybe the best choice until things are more stable." she says and Mercedes' eyes grow in surprise. "I was hoping that would give me time to bond with the baby and maybe we can go shopping" she says.

"Catherine you're child doesn't even have a name. Or a nursery. Instead you spend your time buying baby clothes and toys" Mercedes says looking at Cathy with a nonchalant smirk.

She looks at Mercedes with an angry face. She then turns to me as I lean back in my chair with my arms fold. She nods her head the runs out of the kitchen. Mercedes shrugs her shoulders when I look at her.

As I follow Cathy up to the room I hear her sobbing in our room. I open the door slowly then find Cathy laying on our bed with her head on a pillow. "Cathy baby, what's wrong" I ask as I sit next to her rubbing her back. "You were right. I'm a horrible mother" she says quieting down.

"Cathy I'm so sorry if Mercedes or I made you feel that way. But you're a great mother regardless." I say and she wraps her arms around my body. "James I'm sorry for how I've been acting but although you say it's okay Mercedes keeps making me feel like a shitty mother" she says looking me in the eye. "You literally spent the past seven moths working your butt off so you could put yiur career aside once the baby is born. Not a lot of woman do that and I respect you for that" I say kissing her head.

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