Chapter 19: Hater

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I wake up as I hear another knock on the door. Probably James. He's been knocking on the door ever since he got back last night. This morning Cathy brought me a cup of coffee and scones but I hardly touched them. James then decided to take the morning off and he constantly keeps knocking on the door.

"Mercedes" he said and I opened the door. "Fucking shit James, you don't give up do you. Well here you go, step right in." I said as he stood in confusion. "Talk to me" he said in a soft voice. "About what" I said climbing back into bed. "You seem so off. Did Franklin upset you" he said as if he read my mind.

I could easily just tell him and cry into his arms. But his sympathy is the last thing I need. At the end of the day Franklin is right. What James and I have isn't love it's just lust and unfortunately without it we would be together.

"I'm just fed up with your rich friends. They all think I'm a piece of shit, a whore after your money and dick" I say and he scratches his head. I look away as I  realize what I just said is the truth. "It's the truth James but that's no reason for them to look down on me like that." I say trying to clear up the air but his face drops.

"Look I just don't see why you're still hiding this surrogacy shit. I'm tired of being seen as just a homewreker." I said. "It's not that easy" he said looking away. "Because now that all your fucking rich friends know me as your assistant, it's kinda hard to introduce me as your surrogate. Just tell them James, for fuck sake. Who gives a single shit what those cunts think" I said as my face started heating up in anger.

"Are you sure you're okay" James asked looking into my eyes. I looked away as the tears started filling up my eyelids. I was crushed. No matter how many times I told myself that I was an asset and that he needed me, the truth was I am nothing. James could easily just leave me and I would go back to being 'the good for nothing pussy selling slut from new york". The ball was in his court and I was just dancing to the beat of his music.

I looked away as he tried to go in for a kiss. And that's when I decided it all. "I'm done. I can't do this anymore James" I said and he moved back in surprise. "What the fuck" he said with his hands in the air. "This is so fucked up. I'm better than this" I said.

His face turned red as he bursts into laughter. He looked me in the eye then shook his head. He put his hand on my cheek then put a strand of hair behind my ear. "What made you realize that sweetheart" he said with a cocky smile. "James please don't" I said as the tears rolled down my cheeks.

"If that's what you want" he said. He looked me in the eye before walking out of my room.


I sat mearly two hours waiting for her to get out of her room. Or at least say something. I walked past her room a couple of times. First I heard sobs then there was complete silence.

I sat in my office chair as her words repeatedly played in my head. I thought back on everything.... anything that could have led to this.

I haven't let her out of my sight since the whole thing with Rebecca. But coincidentally I constantly keep trailing back to Franklin. My blood gradually starts boiling as I think of him. The way he looked at her during the meeting, the way he kept calling her a 'lady' during the lunch afterwards.

But I don't remember him saying anything that could push Mercedes this far. She's feisty and none of the petty shit he was doing could have led to her breaking point.

Then I realized.
During the short time I was in the bathroom before lunch Mercedes and Franklin were alone in my office. And during that short time Franklin could have said anything.

After hours pacing back and forth and downing glasses of whiskey, I dialed Franklin's number, grabbed my car keys and drove out of my driveway.

If Mercedes won't speak up, that motherfucker will.

What y'all think bout Franklin? Comment your opinions and story ideas. x

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