Chapter 37: Escape plan

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As I wake up I find Franklin with a cigar in his mouth and a glass of whiskey in his hand. "Can I use the bathroom" I ask and he shrugs his shoulders. I rush to the bathroom with my full bladder. I walk back to a chair as my back aches. As I slowly sit on the chair Rebecca puts a bag on the table. "I got some stuff to eat" she says as she starts taking stuff out of the bag. She gives me a salad and a sandwich with a bottle of juice and water. She takes out the same for herself before throwing the rest to Franklin. "Eat up" she says with a smile on her face. 

I adjust myself to sit comfortably as the pain in my back gets worse. "I need some pain meds" I say and she looks at me in surprise. "Why" she says. "I'm due any minute Rebecca of course I'm going to experience pain" I say and she leans back in her chair. I stand up and pace around the room, trying to make the pain less. "Can you sit down. You're making everybody nervous" she says in a stern voice. "I need some air" Franklin says as he walks out of the room. "Are you sure you have specialized doctors because I think we're gonna need them really soon" I say and she looks at me. She gives me a frown before turning back to the table. 

I try to walk further in the dark room. "Shit" I whisper as I bump my foot against something. As I reach my hand out in front of me, I feel a counter top. I try to open the cupboards as quietly as I can. I put my hand inside to feel around and I feel a stack of plates. "Where the fuck are we" I ask as I grab a plate and stand up. "Don't you worry about that" she says as she works on her phone. As I walk closer to her I feel something happening between my legs. I stand behind her ready to hit her with the plate as I feel a pain. I smash the plate against her head before I feel wetness between my legs. She collapses to the ground. I struggle to  bend down as I take her phone from the floor. As I go through it I realize it's not the phone she usually uses. She has no contacts. I go into her Instagram and type in James' username. And I start typing the message Franklin walks into the room. "What the fuck" Franklin says as he realizes what is going on.

I finish typing as he comes closer to me. As he tries to reach for the phone I throw it against the wall. He breathes heavily as I hear the pieces of the phone fall onto the ground. "Rebecca wake the fuck up." he says as he shakes her. I collapse onto my mattress as I scream from the pain. "Shut the fuck up" Franklin screams with his panicked voice. I can't help but laugh at how pathetic he looks. He grabs a can of what I assume is beer and downs it. I rub my belly as I take deep breaths. If Franklin starts drinking and Rebecca doesn't wake up, the Jacobs family might not have a child. This is all up to James now.


As I drive around looking for a sign I get a call from Cathy. "Hey baby. Is everything okay?" she asks with her soft voice from the other side of the phone. "No. Matthew left her with Rebecca last night and Rebecca is nowhere to be found" I say and she gasps. "Where is McKenzie" she asks. "He's at his house. But has no idea where Rebecca is either" I say.

"So Mercedes is lost. And you guys are just hoping she's with Rebecca" she says in an angry tone. "Did you call the police" she says before I can even respond. "Babe what are the cops gonna do. They take forever and we don't really have all the time in the world. She's due any minute" I say and I hear her give an angry laugh. "Yea and driving around town is faster. I'm calling the cops" she say as she hangs up. I throw my phone on the passenger seat and punch the steering wheel as I scream. As I start driving again I receive a notification. As I go into my Instagram DM's I see a message from Rebecca's account.

'R kidnapped me. Idk where we are and Frank. Hurry up. Merc.' the message reads. She was probably typing quickly because I take a hot minute to make sense of the message. Then I realize the Message isn't from Rebecca. Mercedes sent it. I start driving home as fast as I can. When I get to the house I find a bunch of police cars parked in my driveway. "James" Cathy sys as I barge into the house. "Not now. I think I found her" I say as I rush up the stairs. I log the details of the message into my tracking app on my computer. 

A location pops up on my screen but it's not currently active. "They must be moving" I say as I stand up. "Who" Cathy says as she follows me back down the stairs. "I need you to send about six officers and an ambulance to this location" I say handing the officer the paper with details on it. "James what is going on" Cathy asks as she walks behind me. 

"I got a text from Rebecca's account but it was from Mercedes. I tracked the location down but we need to start moving. It isn't a live location" I say and she runs to the passenger seat. "I'm coming with you" she says as if she's going to do something. "No Cathy. I can't put your life in danger like this" I say and start driving out of the driveway. She starts yelling at me as I drive away. A bunch of cop cars drive behind me. 

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