Chapter 42: Alone

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As I wake up I find one of the nurses refilling the jug of water. "Morning sweetheart" she says as the doctor walks in. "Talk about perfect timing" he says with a smile making me chuckle. "Today you can go home. Isn't that great news" he says with enthusiasm. "Mr. Jacobs dropped this off. He said I should give it to you" he says as he hands me my car key. "Damn I had already forgotten I have a car. How are they?" I ask and his face drops a little.

"Well the baby is definitely healthy. Cathy and James don't look like their on very good terms though. They all left in a CPS car this morning" he says and my heart starts beating quickly. "Will they be alright" I ask. "Unfortunately I don't know" he says before walking out of my room.

As I sit on the edge of my bed I grab my phone. I go through my contact list as I look for James' name. After looking through it at least two times I realize that his name is not there. I go through my text messages and realize our texts have been cleared. I look through my phone as I panic. There's is absolutely no sign of James or Cathy on my phone. Our calls, texts, even Snaps have been deleted. Someone was here and they messed with my phone. 

As I go through the people who could have done this, with Cathy being the main suspect, I realize it could have been James. Maybe he has decided to never talk to me again. He didn't even bother bring my keys to me personally. He never even came back yesterday. Maybe I'm never seeing the Jacobs again. Maybe it's better that way.


When I'm done I walk to the reception to let them know I've left. As I walk out of the hospital tears start rolling down my cheeks. "It's okay sweetheart your time will come" a lady says as she rubs my back. "Miscarriage?" she asks as she hugs me. "No I'm a surrogate" I say with a smile. "Oh baby. You did the right thing" she says hugging me tighter. 

I walk through the endless rows of cars looking for mine. As I stop in front of it I press the remote and it makes the little sound. I open the trunk and find all my bags and stuff in it. I throw my bag in there before walking to the driver's seat. As I climb in I find the box James gave me before the gender reveal party with the dress in. As I open it I find the same letter he had wrote that day. Thank you you've changed my life it read. Under it was pictures of us. Selfies that we took and of course the sex pictures Rebecca sent. One that caught my eye is the one we took with the baby at the hospital. My eyes start to tear up as I read the note at the bottom of the box. It's better this way it read. I punched the steering wheel very hard as I was screaming. Tears fell down my face and they wouldn't stop. I can't drive like this. I grab my phone from the passenger's seat and call Matthew. "Babe can you come get me" I say as soon as he answers his phone.


I sat there just looking at her for at least two hours before Matthew came. It was obvious that she was also going through the most, and I hated the fact that I couldn't be there for her. I promised he that I'd be with her and here I am. But I'm a married man and I'm committed to my wife. Even though she's just a side chick she'll always be one of the most important people and close to my hart. What we had was more than just a fling. As Matthew holds her in his arms I start my engine and drive away before they see me. My heart sinks as I look at her for the last time.

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