Chapter 35: Gone

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I've been lying in bed for nearly two hours this morning. When I woke up this morning Mercedes wasn't in her room. I tried calling her at least thirty times and each time she didn't answer. As I'm about to grab my phone to call her again Cathy's soft voice comes from behind me. "James baby, maybe she's at Matthew's" she says as she places her head on my chest. 

"Her phone is off" I say looking at the roof in frustration. "so?" Cathy asks. she sighs as I wake up from bed. "That means i cant track her" i say and she stands up from the bed. "Look this is not how I planned to start my morning" she mumbles before standing up to walk towards the bathroom. "Cathy I'm sorry" i say as I notice how selfish I have been. She slides out of my grip then walks to the bathroom. " Cathy I'm just worried about her. Cut me some slack" i say leaning across the door frame. "James that's the problem. You're worried for no reason. She slept at Matthew's place and as we speak they're probably having morning sex" she says as she starts brushing her teeth.

I wrap my arms around her as she brushes her teeth."Do you wanna have morning sex?" i whisper into her ear and she smiles. "I would have loved to but you messed up my mood" she says kissing my cheek and wondering off. "You're gonna regret this" i shout as she walks away. As she leaves the room  I get a notification on my phone. I take the phone hoping to find Mercedes' name on it but instead it's a notification from work. "Fuck" i sigh as I throw the phone on my bed.


"Morning sunshine" Rebecca says as I start opening my eyes. As I look around I can hardly see anything. "Where the fuck am I" I ask as i remember what she did to me. "Don't worry you're safe" she says nonchalantly. I look around and behind Rebecca I see Franklin. "So you're her little puppet now" I say and he starts laughing. "No sweetheart, you're the puppet" he says then gives me a disgusting smirk. I stand up from my chair and so does Rebecca. "Sit back down or I'll knock you out again" she says and i give a soft chuckle. "This is madness" I say as I start shouting for help. Before I know it Rebecca slaps me across the face. I stumble back a little as I hold  my tingling cheek.

"Listen up bitch. This isn't the Jacobs household where you can just do whatever the fuck you want. This is my house and here you play by my rules. Now try your best to make the next few days pleasant because we're sitting in here until you give birth." she says with a creepy smile.

"There is no way in giving birth in here. Are you crazy" I respond. "Don't worry, a team of specialized healthcare professionals will ensure that you give birth as comfortably as possible." she says. As she continues talking my mind drifts off. I think of everything that could go wrong. Why the hell would Rebecca want the child anyway. James. James will come get me. He might have lost feelings for me but he'll come for his son. Endless thoughts flood my mind. I feel my heart beating faster and my breaths becoming heavier.

I hold on to the chair I was sitting on as i try to breath. For a moment it feels as though everything just stops. Then I'm on the ground. Again unable to move. As my vision fades away I hear voices around me shouting my name.


As Cathy and I eat our lunch in the kitchen I find myself looking at my phone numerous times. I look at my phone once again wondering where Mercedes could be or what she's doing with that faggot. "Are you listening" Cathy says snapping me out of my thoughts. She grabs both our plates as she sighs. "You know James staring at your phone repeatedly isn't going to make her name pop up on it" she says as she looks at me.  I take my hand through my hair as I sigh in frustration. "Go ahead then. Go look for her" Cathy says as she rolls her eyes and starts walking upstairs. "Cathy don't be mad. I'm just trying to be a good father" I say and she looks at me with her cute eyes.

"I understand James. I'm not angry, I just think sometimes you put too much pressure  on yourself" she says giving me a kiss. I grab my phone, my keys and a jacket before heading to the door. As I'm about to walk out of the door Cathy shouts my name. "Please keep me updated. In case this turns into a mission impossible senario" she says playfully with a chuckle. I give her a smile before I leave. As i drive I follow the location of Matthew's phone. before I know it, I'm parked in front of an old warehouse building.

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