The Surrogate : Prologue

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Two months ago I had the law, my
mother and unpaid bills up my ass and finally it's the day before I meet them. I spent all night stressing about what they'd be like. I spoke to Catherine, the wife, a few times and she sounds nice. The husband, James Jacobs, on the other hand I haven't even spoke to. I had no idea what he was like. All I knew was that he was a business man in New York. He was very rich too. He owned the marketing business just a few blocks away from my apartment. The only thing I didn't seem to understand is why he'd live in Los Angeles if he had a business in New York. I already checked, the only branch is here in New York. It wasn't any of my business anyway. My job was to get pregnant, give birth, then leave. I was just the Surrogate.

Or was I?

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