Chapter 41: Bad Choices

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"Ms Lopez someone would like to see you" a Nurse says. I have been in bed since last night. I've had no appetite ever since. It's nearly lunch when a black lady in a black suit walks into my room. "Ms. Lopez. My name is Wanda Thompson, I'm form Child Protective Services and I assume you know why I'm here" she says as she stands at the end of my bed. I give her a nod and she comes to sit next to my bed. I sit up straight as she starts taking paper out of her bag.

"I'm not a cop but whatever you say to me is recorded and can and will be held against you if anybody potentially goes to court. Even though that is the case, I'd advise you to speak nothing but the truth for both you and the baby's safety, as well as any other third party involved. Are you ready?" she asks as she puts the tape recorder on the table next to my bed. I give her another nod. "Ms. Lopez you actually have to speak during this interview" she says with a smile on her face.

As she starts the recorder she looks at me and gives me the nod. "Before last night's incident did mrs. Jacobs ever have any similar behavior in the time that you've been living with them" she asks and I shake my head before I realize I have to talk. "No ma'am she just used to shout at James - I mean mr. Jacobs - during arguments but it never got to the point of threatening to stab him or throwing glasses" I say and she makes a note. "What is it exactly that they fought about" she says. I think about what I'm about to say carefully before I say it. "He came home drunk one night and that just led to many other fights" I say and she looks at me for a moment longer.

"Does he come home drunk often" she asks. "No like I said it was only that night" I say with a little too much attitude. "It's sounds like you're not saying something ms. Lopez" she says in a stern voice. "I'm not" I say and she takes a note. "What made that night different then" she asks looking me in the eye. "He was just going through some shit at work and he was really under pressure" I say and she looks at me. She asks me a few more questions but my mind keeps coming back to these few questions.

"Do you think they are fit to be parents" she asks as she looks at me with expectant eyes. "Yes, they have their flaws but I think they would make great parents" I say as I think about everything I've said to her. "Thank you ms. Lopez" she says as she starts packing up her stuff. "Wait that's it" I ask as she heads for the door. "Yes. Is there anything else you would like to say?" she asks as she turns back to me with a smile. "You didn't ask about Rebecca or James and I" I say and she puts her bag on the table. "I know exactly what happened with Rebecca, Franklin gave me the whole story. The police will probably come by today. What Rebecca did doesn't affect this case except that she told Cathy about your affair with James" she says and my heart drops at the word 'affair'.

I look away as I feel ashamed. "Mercedes from woman to woman. If you knew it would come to this why'd you do it. Why didn't you stop or tell Cathy then" she asks and a lump forms in my throat. What does she want me to tell her. That I was physically attracted to him so I fucked him? "I hoped it didn't have to come to this. I didn't mean to hurt anybody especially the baby" I say as tears start filling my eyes. "What else did you expect? Sometimes you should think with your head and not your heart" she says as she looks at me. "I don't know you but I can tell you're better than this. You're a smart young woman. Good luck" she says before walking out of my room.

"Wait" I say and she turns around again. "Yes" she says over her shoulder. "What's going to happen to Cathy and James? You won't take their baby will you?" I ask. "You know Mercedes it isn't about taking the child away, it's about doing what's best for him and if taking him away is the better option then that will happen. Now I should really get going" she says before walking out.

I start crying as I regret what I did.

As I start packing some of the things James brought me I think about how I'm ever going to face them again. How am I going to say I'm sorry. I have't seen them since last night. "Hi are you Mercedes Lopez" a officer says as he knocks on the door. "Yes sir. Come in" I say as I sit on the bed. "I'm not here to question you don't worry" he says as he awkwardly stands in the room. "I just came to tell you that the Jacobs aren't placing charges against Rebecca and Franklin. However you still have the choice to do so" he says as he looks at me. "There's no use. What would I gain from it" I say with hopelessness. "It's absolutely normal to feel that way but she put you through a lot of stress" he says. "No thanks officer" I say to him. At this point there is nothing that I care more about than making things right with Cathy and James. "Are you sure" the officer says and I nod my head for a last time. "Ok. Well have a good day then" he says before walking out.

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