Chapter 39: New Beginnings

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As Cathy is sleeping on the little couch James is sitting besides me. "You're freaking out aren't you" I say with a little chuckles as he looks at me. "It's been all fucking day. Why aren't you giving birth" he says with a look of confusion on his face. "James I can't just decide when I want to give birth" I say as I burst out in laughter. I scream as my tummy contracts harder than ever. "Fuck. Shit. What the fuck" James says as he stands next to my. "James calm down and call a doctor" I say as I try to stay. 

"Ok stay calm." he says before shouting for a doctor in the hallway. "James there's an emergency button next to my bed" I say then he comes rushing back into my room. The doctor and a few nurses come into my room as I feel discomfort between my legs. "Okay ms. Lopez I need you to breathe, stay calm and spread your legs" the nurse says as she looks me in the eye. This is actually happening.

As I open my the pain gets worse. "Okay are you ready" she asks and I give a nod. I scream again as I literally feel my vagina stretch. 


"Babe calm down" Cathy says as I pace back and forth. I really didn't expect this shit to be so stressful. "Do you need some water sir" one of the nurses sitting with us ask. "No thank you" I say to her. We had to wait in some nearby room as Merc gives birth. 

I sit on my seat before a nurse walks into the room and I jumps back up again. "Mr and Mrs Jacobs" she says with a smile. Cathy and I hold hands as we walk to Mercedes' room. When we walk in we find a naked Mercedes covered in a light blanket with the baby on her chest. As she looks up her face is red and covered in tears. Mercedes hands Cathy the baby as she wipes her tears.

Cathy starts crying as well when she holds him in her arms. I look at Mercedes and she gives me a smile. "Little James" I say as I wrap my arms around Cathy and play with his feet. "Little James Levi Jacobs" Cathy says and I look at her. "It means mercy like Mercedes" she says before turning to Mercedes. They both chuckle as I hold the baby. It feels amazing to finally have him in my arms. So real. I can't believe I'm a father.


(A few hours later)As I am reading my book Cathy walks into the room. It feels great to have finally given birth. I'm definitely going to miss spending time with everyone. and by everyone I mean James, but it feels good to be able to see my toes again. I feel like I'm myself again.

"Where's James" I ask as she walks in. "He's with the baby." she says with a smile. "I mean James Junior" I say with a little chuckle. "He's sleeping. James senior however, refuses to leave his side." she says with a little chuckle. 

"Do you mind if I visit him, in his ward" I ask. "Of course not, you're welcome any time" she says before sitting next to my bed. Her smile fades as she starts fiddling with her fingers. "I'm scared Mercedes. I've read so many articles about mothers who fail to connect with their babies after surrogate birth. Earlier today when he started crying I held him and he would not stop until James took him. It's so frustrating" she says as tears start rolling down her cheeks. 

"Cathy you are going to be great. Out of all the pregnancies I've had you by far, have been one of the greatest women I've worked with" I say as I hold her hand. "But why won't he be as calm as he is around James." she says wiping her tears. "James and I worked together for a while. Maybe he's more comfortable around him but he'll soon come around. Maybe you have something you're stressing about that's stressing him too." I say and she stands up. "This whole Rebecca thing really took a toll on me" she says. "Maybe you should go see her. For closure" I say as she looks out the window. 

"I know. I'm just not ready to see my friend in that state" she says and I give her a hug. And for the first time I actually felt for Cathy. It's amazing how much one child can affect people.

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