Chapter 27: Irresponsible

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As I'm sitting on the patio I hear the front door open and Cathy comes storming in. "Cathy don't yih walk away from me" James shouts as he follows. "Or what James" she says climbing up the stairs. He grabs her hand and she turns around with anger in her eyes. "James don't act like you care now. You're always so caught up in your work. How the hell do you expect to be a father when you can't even take care of your wife." she says and that seems to annoy James.

"Cathy at least I'm not the mother who's getting wasted every night. That is so ignorant and irresponsible." He says. Cathy shakes her head before walking up the stairs. "For fuck sake James. It was one night and you're acting like I do it all the time" she says dismissively as she shuts her room door.

"Fuck" James shouts as he hits the island table. I flinch at the loud sound and he looks at me. "I'm sorry" he says seeing my expression. "Are you two okay" I ask as I walk into the kitchen. "She's just being a spoilt bitch she'll get over herself" he says bringing me into his arms.

He kisses my forehead then grabs his car keys. "Where are you going" I asked. "I just need to get some fresh air" he says before going to the door. "James please don't get into another bar fight" I say. He turns around and tries to say something but decides against it.

As James walks out of the house I rush up the stairs to Cathy's room. "Cathy are you okay" I ask knocking on the door. I hear her sobbing through the door. After standing in front of her door for at least thirty minutes I walk over to my room.

'I miss you so much. I can't wait to meet you in person <3' Matthew's text reads and guilt consumes me. I've gotten to know him and he's not that bad. Only thing, is that he expects me to look like my pictures that I took way before I was pregnant.

'U too' I respond. Before I could put my phone down I receive another text from him. 'Don't feel rushed. Whenever you're comfortable princess'. And that's what I loved about Matthew. He listened to me, he was patient and didn't judge me but maybe that was because he didn't really know me. '<3 ttyl' I responded before climbing into the shower.


As I stop in front of the bar I grip the steering wheel tightly. A million thoughts run through my mind. I'm consumed with guilt. But I'm not here to get shit faced.

As I'm about to go looking for her, Kelly knocks on my window. "Trouble in paradise again?" she says as she jumps into the passenger seat. I shake my head and chuckle as she makes herself comfortable. "Are you having second thoughts about getting wasted" she says with a smile. "I get wasted when I want to Kelly" I say not making eye contact with her.

She looks at me for a second before sitting back. "Well you're in a shit mood" she said taking a bite of her sandwich. "Kelly don't eat in my fucking car" I say playfully pushing her shoulder. "James you're the one sitting in my fucking parking lot what the fuck do you want" she responded.

"I need to talk to you" I say giving her a napkin. She looks at me then bursts out in laughter. "We fucked once in college, now you want to get personal with me. That's cute" she says laughing. "Catherine went to hospital for overdosing" I say and her smile immediately disappears.

"Oh shit. I didn't think you were serious. What happened" she says looking at me. "I think she's having cold feet with the whole baby thing. And I think she's still angry about the other night with Franklin" I say. "I think she's a strong woman but parenting can be scary to everyone. Give her time and reassureance" she says and gives a small smile.

This is why I came here. I knew Kelly would listen and when I'm around her I just feel safe and not judged. I could say anything and she'd have some slick shit to say back. That's what I loved about her. She had no filter.

"Man look at you all in your therapist mode" I said trying to lighten the mood. "Shut up" she said as her cheeks turned red.

"Where have you been all my life." I say. "I've been around. You're dumb ass just thought you where too popular for me in college." she said opening the door. "Where are you going" I ask lowkey wanting her to stay. "My ride is here. Bye James. I really enjoy your company by the way" she says before slamming my door, creating a deafening sound.

As I drive home in silence I grip my steering wheel tighter as I get closer to my house. I sit in my car for at least another half an hour before entering the house. As i walk into the kitchen I find Mercedes sitting on one of the island chairs.

"I'm not drunk relax" I say before she can even start lecturing me.
"I know but where have you been" she asks as she puts on the kettle. "I just need some air. This whole thing is stressing me out" I respond as she puts a cup of coffee in front of me.

She wraps her arms around me as she rests her head on my back. "How's Cathy" I ask and she let's go of me. "She locked herself in her room all day" she says as she rolls her eyes. "Hey. What happened to 'be patient with her" I say trying to mimick her voice. I tap the seat next to me gesturing for her to sit next to me.

"First of all I don't sound like that and secondly I just think this isn't a coincidence" she responds. I look into her eyes in confusion as she takes a sip of my coffee. "What do you mean" I say as she looks at me. "I don't know Cathy that well but I can tell Rebecca might be toxic for her" she says. But I know Rebecca isn't one of Mercedes' favorite people.

"Are you sure you're not just saying this because you personally don't like Rebecca" I say and her face drops. "James what the fuck. I just mean isn't it coincidental that she's always getting wasted when she's with Rebecca" she says making a valid point. "You're right but why" I ask. "I don't know" Mercedes replys and Cathy comes walking into the kitchen.

"You're right you don't know. You don't know shit. But don't stop talking on my account. Seems like debating our personal issues is the new thing" she says looking at both Mercedes and I with a smug look on her face.


"Cathy baby we're just trying to help" James says as Cathy pours a glass of water. "Well who are you two help. You literally have no life outside of work and you are a lonely freak with no friends. You've never left the house since you've got here. No wonder you spend your time carrying babies for strangers" she says. Ouch. James gives me a remorseful look before turning to his wife.

"Cathy I'm sorry to intrude. Just thought I could help" I say and she gives a sarcastic laugh. "Shut the fuck up Mercedes. You are not a part of our family stay the fuck out of our business" she says. I stand up to leave as the pain hits my heart. But I'm stopped my James' hand holding my shoulder.

"Cathy I think that's enough" James said. "Cathy you're just angry because we've found out what your little pattern is. It's not having fun with your friend. You're a fucking addict" I shout back at her. James holds her back she tries to climb over the table to attack me. As he holds her down she splashes me with the glass of water. "You are in no position to judge me Mercedes. Where were you when I had sleepless nights because of James? Where were you when his business was failing and he turned to alcohol so I had to work my ass off to save it? Where were you when my parents basically disowned me because they'd rather not have a daughter than have one with an emotionally abusive husband? Where" she screams through her tears.

"Cathy stop" James said holding her. "That's what you are James. And if you want to help me, maybe you should start by not taking advice from a good for nothing slut" she screams while pointing at me and looking at James. "Catherine stop!" James shouts hitting his hand in the counter top making both Cathy  and I flinch.

"This is bullshit. She's obviously intoxicated and needs some help" I say before rushing to my room. "Merc wait" James said but I was too focused on getting out of the kitchen.

As I closed my room door behind me, I heard James knocking on it. "Merc I'm really. Just talk to me please" he said sighing. "Go attend to your wife James" I say before I hear his hand drop and his footsteps fade into the distance.

I hop on my bed as the tears start filling my eyes. Never did I think I'd have to hear the horrible things from Cathy. Although I never have a fuck about her, I hurt my feelings.

As I sat up straight I noticed a text from Matthew. I wiped my tears as I looked in the mirror.

Two can play at this game Catherine...

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