Chapter 28: Mine

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"Cathy babe let's just talk" I say as she climbs out of bed after yet another argument. I rub my face with my hands before taking them through my hair as Cathy put the water in the shower on. I put on a pair of shorts before walking downstairs.

As I walk into the kitchen I find Mercedes wearing a white sundress. "Where are you going" I ask and she looks up. "Out" she says in an irritated tone as she puts her bowl in the dishwasher. "Mercedes please don't listen to what Cathy said. You really don't have to do this." I say letting out a sigh.

"You're right James I don't have to do this but I've realized how toxic being in this house is" she says walking past me. "My ride will be here any minute. I'm going to grab my bag" she says as she walks up the stairs. I roll my hands up in fist at how annoying her nonchalant attitude is. As in about to sit down I notice her phone on the table.

As I unlock it I go into her messages first. Obviously she's made plans with somebody. To my surprise the first name is Matthew. "She's still talking to him" I ask myself as I read through their text. "Who the fuck still calls a woman gorgeous" I say to myself.

As I hear her climbing down the stairs I put her phone down, leaving her location sharing settings on. "I'm not a freak I'm just making sure she's safe" I say trying to convince myself.

As she walks into the kitchen she takes her phone then looks at me. I shrug as she narrows her eyes. She walks to the door as her Uber arrives. "Bye" I shout and she lifts her middle finger to me. "You're really petty you know that" I say as she shuts the front door.

"Where's she going" Cathy says coming into the kitchen. "Out" I respond without an explanation. "I thought we signed a contract. Aren't we supposed to know where she is at all time" she says giving me a blank look. I see where she's trying to take this.

"Cathy not right now please" I say sitting on one of the chairs. "It's okay to bend the rules to her contract but when I bend the rules on being a mother slightly it's the end of the world. I swear you're married to me but it feels like I'm always the last person to get your attention" she says. As she vented it hit me.

She knows. She knows me and Cathy have been fucking around. And instead of confronting me she's waiting to catch me in the act. Whoever is watching us must have sent her pictures too. Shit.

"Babe I love you" I say interrupting her. She gives me a look then slams a mug of coffee in front of me. "This is what I'm talking about. Did you hear anything I just said" she says looking me in the eye then her eyes fill up with tears.

"Cathy I'm sorry" I say grabbing her arm gently but she escapes from my grip and continues making breakfast with tears in her eyes.

As the day goes by I keep checking Mercedes' location on my phone. I tried not doing any work so I'd spend time with Cathy like she wants me to. But I found myself sitting in my office chair looking at Mercedes' every move.

When her location stopped changing I restarted my phone at least four times before I realized that she's at a restaurant probably with fucking Matthew. I go into Cathy's office where she's busy with a painting. She looks st me as I take a seat in her office chair without making a sound.

As I look at it I realize it's a crying woman with blood coming out of her chest where the heart is located. "That's nice" I say not knowing what els to say.

"Just expressing my emotions" she says as she hums along to the music playing in the background. I choose not to respond trying to avoid another argument. "I need to run a few errands quickly" I say and she freezes for a second. "You don't need to ask for permission to leave the house you know. It's not like you're really even spending time with me anyway" she says as she continues with her painting.

"Cathy I meant what I said. I love you" I say and I swear I could  hear her chuckle. "I know" she says in a neutral tone.

As I leave the house I find another package in the mail. I grab it and get in the car making sure Cathy doesn't see me. As I open the filled envelope more pictures of Mercedes and I flood my hands. My heart starts beating fast as shove them back into the envelope and putt it on the passenger seat.

After driving for nearly an hour I finally stop across the road to where Mercedes is. And just as I thought Matthew is with her.

He isn't quite what I thought he'd look like. He had broad shoulders and a musculine physique but he was the type to wear skinny jeans and Old Navy t-shirts.

I slide deeper into my chair as Mercedes  points at something around my car before the two burst out in laughter.

He's wearing his round sunglasses and his hair is slick neatly to one side. I didn't know she was this average.


"You didn't include on your profile the fact that your English" I say. "I don't think where you're from really matters, just the chemistry." He says and I start feeling my cheeks get hot.

"So tell me about yourself" Matthew says as he leans back in his chair. "I told you there's not much to me" I say pushing around the leaves in my salad. "There's got to be something. Do you like modeling" he asks and I give a nervous chuckle. "Who me? I wish" I respond and he smirks.

"It's been a nice date. But unfortunately I have to go. Just tell the waiter to add everything to my bill." He says giving me a kiss on the cheek.

As I finish my salad the waiter brings my bill. I nearly choke when I see the total at the bottom of the slip. $239.59. Well shit. That's a lot of money but I pay for it anyway. It feels good to finally be paying my own bills.

As I stand up to leave I find James standing behind me. "Let's go" he says grabbing my arm. "Let go" I say a bit too loud as I yank my hand away. Then I notice a few people look at us. "Mercedes this is not the time for your bullshit. Get in the car" he says softly.

I lifty head high before walking past him to his car across the street.

"Tell me your fucking kidding me James" I say loudly as I enter the car. "Your sit as your wife lectures me about being a pest in your house, then you want to stop me from going out" I say as I feel the tears coming. "I'm stopping you from making a mistake. You're only doing this to spite Cathy an I" he says without raising his voice.

"You're just jealous that something is finally going right for me" I say and he simply nods his head and starts driving. I sit looking out the window. He moves his hand onto my knee. As comforting as it is I move my left and he grips the steering wheel tightly with both hands.

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