Chapter 15: Surprise Surprise Bitch

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I heard the annoying beeping sound of the hospital machine as I slowly opened my eyes. When I found myself looking at the cream ceiling, it took me a moment to realize where I was. When I looked around I found an empty room. My heart dropped as I was expecting to find James.

As I reached for the glass of water on the table, a painful sting came from my hand. Then I noticed the needle that was pushed into my skin.

As I sat taking in my environment I started feeling more and more uncomfortable.

I noticed the dirty layer of dust on the blinds. The water in the glass wasn't as clear as it should be. It was though a clowd was sitting in front of it. As I uncomfortably sifted in my bed the hospital gown scraped against my skin. I could feel the anxiety kicking in. As I was calculating how many people might have warn this same gown, James walked into the room with a bag in hand.

My heart leaped in joy as I saw his face. "I brought you some clothes" he said putting it on a chair next to my bed. "I stood on my knees to give him a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands moved uncomfortably on my back. He didn't grab my ass like he usually did, or kiss my chin.

When we got out of the hug he looked out of the window then to the Patek on his wrist. "Are you okay" I asked as he paced back and forth. "Yes" he said without making eye contact.

Then Catherine walked through the door. She had three coffees in her hand and as usual a smile was planted across her face.

"Oh my gosh Mercedes. I came as quick as I could" she said putting the coffee down. She pulled me into a hug then looked me in the eye. Her lips twitched as she was hesitant to say something.

"The doctor said it's just low blood pressure" James said behind Catherine.


As Mercedes packed the last of her clothes, the doctor entered the room. "I'd just like to go over a few things with you" she said. Opening her file she started asking Mercedes questions. But one question caught me by surprise. "Are you sexually active Ms. López" she asked. "No" I emmediately answered at the same time as Mercedes said yes.

"Is it a yes or no" the doctor asked again with an awkward laugh. Mercedes and I both looked at each other. She gave me a death stare then turned back to the doctor. "It's a no ma'am" she said shyly looking away. "It's okay to be active. I'd advise you to be honest about it, as private as it is, it's important for both me and the baby's parents to know" she said not sounding convinced.

"It's still no" Mercedes answered. I let a breath out as she answers and I notice Cathy looking at us suspiciously. The doctor eye's Mercedes and I before leaving the room.

On our way home both Cathy and Mercedes were silent. When we arrived I started cooking dinner as Cathy helped Mercedes settling in.

We sat around the table in silence as we ate dinner. James and I made eye contact as Cathy focused on pouring her third glass of wine.

"Why so serious" Cathy said looking back up. "I know you two aren't best of friends but you can't possibly tell me this is how you spent the last two weeks" she said laughing.

"Actually it's not" I said provoking James. "Oh" Cathy said lifting her brow at James.

Clearing his throat James looked at Cathy and I. "We spoke. You know about the usual, work and stuff" he said taking a sip of his Juice. As he lifted the glass up he gave me a death stare.

"Stuff" Cathy said rolling her eyes. "You're a responsible woman Mercedes, you know that." she said looking at me. I took a sip avoiding eye contact.

"I bet any man wouldn't hesitate to get between your legs it you spread them, but you don't just go spreading them. Or is that only because you're pregnant half the time" I nearly choked on my juice as she said that.

"When you're beautiful you have the privilege to choose who you spread your legs for Cathy, but of course you wouldn't know, would you" I responded looking at her. "Ou, someone's got attitude. I see your temper is just as short as your dresses" Catherine replied rudely.

"Okay, let's all take a break" James said clearing his throat. "That's not what you said when I was..."

"Shut up, both of you" James shouted as he stood from the table. "Let's go" he said grabbing Cathy's arm. As she stood up her wine glass fell over staining my dress.

The tears stained my cheeks as I James carried Cathy up the stairs. After a few minutes he walked back down the stairs. "Mercedes" he said looking at me. "Don't fucking Mercedes me" I said throwing plates at him. He walked closer as he dodged the plates. "Mercedes stop" he said as he held me wrists firmly.

"No" I repeatedly shouted as he tried to calm me down. The anger rushed through me. Never have I been this offended before.

As I realized the truth behind Cathy's words, I calmed down. She was right. Any man would jump right in if I spread my legs. Like her husband did. And that's what made me more powerful. She could insult me all she wanted but, with only a few words I could ruin her whole life.

"If that bitch says another word about my name, she's dead" I said as James pulled me to his chest. "She just had too much to drink" he said stoking my hair.

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