Chapter 14: Malfunction

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As I woke up from James' chest, I had a major headache. I looked around as the room's walls spinned rapidly. As I stood up I fell to the ground. Leaning against the little coffee table I pushed myself up.

I managed walking about five feet before falling against the couch. A ringing noise started at the back of my head. I gripped the banister firmly as I stumbled up the stairs.

I entered my room and without thinking twice, I collapse into my bathroom. After crawling to the toilet I sat on it and closed my eyes as the burning liquid emerged from my body. When I opened my eyes the bright light shined into them causing the headache to get worse.

I looked at myself in the mirror as I stood up. An intense wave if heat spread throughout my whole body and the noise in my ear got worse. As my head started pounding harder my vision went blury. I shouted for James to come help me and before I knew it, I felt the cold floor against my back.

I woke up as I heard Mercedes' panicked scream. As I stood up I noticed she wasn't next to me.

When I looked around u saw her silk night robe lying in the middle if the stairs. I picked it up as I rushed up the stairs. "Merc" I shouted as I ran toward her room.

Without knocking I barged into her room. She was nowhere to be found but her bathroom's light was shining into the large room. "Merc" I breathed as I entered her bathroom.

I froze as I realized what was going on. I collapsed to the ground next to her. "Hey, are you okay?" I said feeling her forehead. Her skin felt warm and damp against my hand.

As I ran cold water on a towel I noticed blood filling up the toilet bowl. I put the cold towel over her forehead before grabbing my phone.

As I scrolled through the list of contacts, I pressed the gynea's number. "We're on our way, be ready" I said with no context. I wiped her clean before picking her up and taking her to the car.

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