Prolouge: 💫flood💫

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Giselle Harris was sitting on the couch doing one of the hardest things she's ever had to do. She was in her boyfriends dorm trying to break up with him. She had gotten a call that her mother passed and she needed to return home immediately.

"Long distance things don't always work all the time. If I go over there I can't come back here. I need to look after my sister." She told him.

"So this is it then." Harry asked.

"I am so sorry." She got up from the couch not wanting to say anymore.

It was true. If she went over there she wouldn't be able to juggle her sister and college. She had to return and take care of her. She packed her things with tears in her eyes. She didn't want to cry. She didn't like crying.

This was all just lovely wasn't it. She was studying and doing well. She wanted to become a writer so she was majoring in English her favorite subject. When all of a sudden she gets a phone call saying her mother was in a car crash and didn't make it through.

It took her a while to pack up her things but she was quicker than normal. She couldn't stop thinking of her little sister. She must be crushed. She's just a little kid.

The thought of her sister got her through the drive home. She had on a red tank top with a grey cardigan on top, blue sweatpants and to top it all off, unicorn slippers her mother got her. She knew she looked ridiculous. But she couldn't change. She needed to get her sister.

She had to find out what happened to her mom. She needed to figure out what the hell she was going to do. How she was going to pay for the house they live in and all the things Sophia needs. She would struggle. Like her mom always did. But she would pull through. Like her mom always did.

She promised her mother and her grandfather that she would take care of Sophia no matter what if anything happened to them. When her grandpa died she didn't ha e to worry about it then. She still had her mother. But now she's gone. She needed to keep her promise. What kind of sister would she be if she didn't.

Her father left after he cheated on her mom when she was two. He flashed through her mind when she was driving. She could call him. But she wouldn't. She would never forgive him. Her mother never asked him for help so neither will she. Her mother didn't care how much she struggled or how much he was willing, she would never ask him for anything.

Giselle always adored her mother for that. She was strong. She was stubborn to the point where it was annoying, but strong. That's how she planned to be. Just like her. If she broke down from the pressure she wouldn't be fit to raise her sister.

She didn't want Sophia going to some home. All of their relatives hate them because of her grandmother. She wasn't a very nice person. They would reject Sophia immediately. But it was fine. Giselle didn't need their help either. She had this all on her own. Maybe.

She pulled up to the hospital where her mother was at. When she walked inside she saw chaos. There were many victims in the crash. She noticed her heart beating even faster. Why was she so nervous? She already knew where her mom was. In the morgue.

"Elle!" A voice called.

Before she had a chance to turn around a small pair of arms wrapped around her neck. She picked up her little sister and hugged her tightly. The sisters had a relationship any other pair of sisters had. They fought to the point they wanted to kill each other. But at the end of the day they would die for each other.

Giselle had a feeling after this, they wouldn't fight as much as they did before. This was different. They needed each other now. Now more than ever.

"I'm sorry." Sophia said.

"For what?" Giselle asked.

"For crying. Grandma always said not to." She replied wiping her eyes.

"You don't need to listen to them anymore. Because I'm here. You can cry all you want. You want to flood the hospital? You can. You want to keep your eyes dry and cry on the inside? You can."

Sophia didn't reply but let a few more tears leak down her cheeks. Sophia wrapped herself around her big sister again and Jill let her.

She still didn't know what the hell she was supposed to do. She was going to move back here of course. But she would need a job. She just dropped out of college so getting a job was difficult. Paying bills were difficult. Why was life so expensive? She wasn't even enjoying it.

But she tried not to think about that now. She tried to think about making Sophia not cry and how she would raise her. Just like her mother.

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