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"Rose please stop running." Elijah told her.

"Then stop chasing me!" Giselle replied.

She had never been more terrified in her life. She had just gone to visit Elijah so they could figure out what they were when he saw him rip someone's heart out.

She gasped and he turned around. He looked terrified at the look on her face. He had never wanted Giselle to be afraid of her.

She wasn't sure what to do. So she ran. She ran and didn't look back. She didn't even give him a chance to explain.

"Please just let me explain to you." He tried to reason. Even though he was a vampire, with every step she took he felt his heart break a little more.

"What is there to explain?!" She bad finally stopped running.


"That your a murderer who rips out peoples hearts for a living?" She yelled.

Less progress.

"Jeez this is the weirdest one yet. You could've abandoned me, or turned out to be a fake friend, but no. You have to be a killer. Isn't that just great?" She asked herself. "This is why you don't trust people Giselle. You just had to make out with a murderer.

Even at this dark time he found himself smiling at the girl.

"You know I would never hurt you."

"Do I? Do I? Do I?"

"Your repeating yourself." Elijah smirked.

"Your repeating yourself. Your repeating yourself." She stopped. "Damn I am repeating myself."

"Rose please—"

"Don't call me that."

He stepped forward but she took three step back.

"Don't come near me." She warned.

"Please Giselle." He thought that felt weird. "If you let me explain, it'll make more sense."

"Oh my god your a hitman aren't you?"


"You mill people for money. What are you going to kill me to?"

"Never Rose I would never hurt you."

"Man I cant believe this. Falling for a hitman. This is going to make the news. Their going to find my body in a ditch somewhere. Sophia's going to have to go to a home. Dammit!" She ranted. This was another one of the things she did. She talked to herself. They came in rants. Elijah, and everyone else, thought it was adorable.

"I'm not going to kill you. Or hurt you. Come on R-" be caught himself. "Giselle. You know me."

She was thinking about letting him explain when she fell a little bit. When she was running she tripped over her own feet and cut her ankle enough to draw blood.

Elijah flashed over to catch her when he smelt it. His vampire face showed at the smell and when Giselle looked up she got afraid again.

There it was. That look. That look of terror that Elijah never wanted to see on her. Not because of him.

"Rose please."

"Get away from me." She whispered.

"I wasn't going to—"

"Don't touch me!" She turned around and despite her throbbing ankle she ran again. She ran until she thought she was safe. She didn't understand. She was still so confused.

All she knew was that she could never go back to him.

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