💫come back💫

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"Yeah Caroline I saw his face. I saw him kill that guy. I saw the way he was looking at me. Hitman I tell you." Giselle told her friend.

"Oh dear." Caroline said.

"What? Do you have an experience with hitman to?"

"Elijah isn't a hitman."

"Okay so what? Just a regular murderer."

"No. He's a..."

"Don't!" Elena exclaimed from the couch.

"She deserves to know." Caroline reasoned.

"She'll be afraid. See how she is now with Elijah, the guy she just met. Imagine how she'd be with us." Damon said.

"Tell me what? What the hell is going on?" Giselle demanded.

"Elijah isn't a hitman. He's a vampire." Caroline said.

"Caroline!" Elena yelled.

"What? It's been too long."

"Okay that's funny. You guys almost had me there."

"No were serious. Because we are too."

"What vampires. Because there is no suck thi— oh my god!" She was cut off from Caroline showing her vampire face to her. The black veins from under her eyes. The red in them, the sharp fangs.

"I'm sorry we didn't tell you earlier."

"I'm friends with vampires." Giselle said.

"And a werewolf. But Tyler doesn't really count because he sucks." Damon said.

"Tyler's a w-"


"Oh my god. There you go again Giselle. Making friends with vampires making out with vampire hitmen. This is just great. Could have made fake friends or something but no. Had to be vampires." Giselle muttered to herself again.

"There she goes again." Elena said. Elena and Caroline had known Giselle all their lives. They alway thought she'd grow out of the "talking to herself" phase. But nope.

"Elijah isn't a vampire hitman he's just a vampire. Well an Original vampire but still. And did you say make out?!" Caroline asked.

"Vampires. Original vampire. Werewolf. What's next zombies? Witches? Goblins? Ghosts? The gingerbread man? E.T.?" Giselle said.

"No, yes Bonnie, no, technically but we can't really see them, the gingerbread man was unavailable today, and I have no idea who the hell E.T. is but he sounds stupid." Damon explained.

"Bonnie? The gingerbread man?" Giselle said still so confused.

"Damon!" Elena exclaimed.

"No no gingerbread man. But yes Bonnie is a witch. People can come back from the dead with difficulty but I don't think their considered zombies." Caroline explained.

"Wow. Wow wow wow wow wow."

While she kept muttering "wows" the gang kept quiet waiting for her to say something else. They were all concerned about her. They never meant for Giselle to find out like this.

"So was this just something you planned on hiding from me until I asked about the fact that you guys weren't aging while meanwhile I'm wearing diapers and have dementia or what?" Giselle said speaking up.

They all looked at each other not entirely sure what to say. They didn't know when they were going to tell Giselle the truth. But this definitely isn't how it was supposed to be.

"Right. Well thanks your proving your different from all the other liars." She got up from the couch. Not confused anymore, but angry.

She grabbed her jacket and no one stopped her. Giselle was a really sweet person until she got mad. No one wanted to piss her off when she was already pissed off.

She walked out the door and headed in the direction she swore she'd never go in again.

💫 𝐀𝐩𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐞 💫 * ᴇ. ᴍɪᴋᴀᴇʟsᴏɴ* au (completed)Where stories live. Discover now