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The next three weeks have been interesting. Raising Sophia and having a job while trying to make sure your social life doesn't disappear, was not easy. Giselle has grown closer with the Mikaelson brothers even though she promised she wouldn't.

But she couldn't help it. Klaus was easy to talk to and Elijah gave really good life advice. Giselle realized she had a crush on him and she absolutely hated herself for it. She would never act on it. They were friends and he didn't feel the same way. She also promised never to put anything of anyone in front of her sister. She pinky promised.

Pinky promises were very important in their family. Sophia always said if her or her mom broke a pinky promise, she would break their pinky's. Sophia was crazy so they never broke their promises.

Over the last couple of hangouts Giselle introduced Caroline to Klaus and Elijah and she noticed how much he liked her. She pretended that she didn't like him though. Gisele didn't know why but didn't question.

It was currently late and Giselle was locking up the diner. Sophia was at home being watched by Caroline. She heard a jingle on the front door letting her know someone was inside.

"Sorry we're closed." She said without turning around.

"Rose." A voice called.

Only one person called her that. She turned around the elegant man she hadn't stopped thinking about.

"Elijah. What are you doing here?" She asked smiling.

"I wanted to see you."

"Strawberry milkshake?"


They were in there for two hours. Talking about anything and everything. They had spent a lot of time together lately so when he came into the diner it didn't surprise her.

He offered her a ride home so she grabbed her things and walked out to his car. A car that looked expensive.

When they were outside he picked up her hand stopping her hand, stopping her.

"Can I take you out to dinner? Somewhere that's not the diner or the grill?" He asked.

"Just the two of us?" She asked.

"Yes. The two of us."

She hesitated. She really wanted to. But at the same time she couldn't. That would inevitably lead to them going out more and then them dating and falling in love and then there would be another person in her life she had to worry about losing.

"I'm sorry I can't." She didn't give him the chance to respond instead she turned around and walked inside.

Elijah couldn't help but feel disappointed. He had found himself caring for the girl. But she was apprehensive. Protective of herself. Guarded. He could understand why. She had lost her mother and now has the responsibility of looking after a child. It couldn't be easy. He got turned down and wasn't entirely sure what these feelings were.

But he wouldn't give up on her.

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