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"I'm still not sure." Giselle said.

"Rose it is just dinner. Nothing to worry about." Elijah said.

After their pinky promise Giselle felt like she could trust Elijah, and the Mikaelsons a little more. But she was still unsure. Yes she cared for Elijah, but she cared for her sister more.

She promised never to put anything before Sophia. But it was just dinner. Right?

"Just dinner?"

"I'll pinky promise again to assure you if you'd like?"

She tried hiding her smile but failed miserably and it brought a smile to his face as well.


"Tomorrow then?"


"I'll pick you up?"


"Are you going to keep saying fine?"

"Sorry." She said smiling again.

"No need to apologize lovely Rose."

She was going to apologize again for apologizing in the first place then stopped herself. I'm an idiot. She thought.

"I need to get my sister from her school." She told him.

"I can drive you?" He offered.

She thought about it. Rebecca drove her here because they spent the day together so her car was at home.

"Fine." Then she turned back. "Oh sorry you said not to say that. Oh but then you said not to say sorry. So I— you know what let's just go." She rambled.

She turned back to the door all flustered while Elijah chuckled behind her. He absolutely adored the girl and he didn't know why. Maybe he admired her ways. How stubborn and guarded she was, how she was taking care of her sister with little help. The way she rambled, and how clumsy she was.

She didn't know it, but she trusted him a whole lot more than she said she did.

And he didn't know it, but he liked her a whole lot more than he said he did.


My bad it's short and I suck and I'm sorry.
Enjoy though👍🏽

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