💫group hug💫

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Giselle wasn't entirely sure where she was going. She walked in the direction to his house. Even though she promised she wouldn't.

When she knocked on the door everyone was surprised to see her. Elijah's siblings wouldn't stop pestering him about Giselle.

"How the bloody hell could you let this happen?" Rebekah asked.

"Obviously I did not mean for this to happen." Elijah replied.

"Oh obviously. Of course."

They all started bickering about how they've lost the only real friend they've made in centuries. They would not stop and Elijah was beginning to grow a headache.

That's when she knocked.

"Who the hell is that?" Kol asked.

Elijah stood up to open the door. He gasped when he saw her.

"Ro- Giselle. Please come in."

"I was going to." She mumbled. "Sorry. I'm a little stressed."


"I want you guys to explain everything. What you are, how you came to be, everything." She demanded.

They all looked at each other. Wondering if they should. Then they realized they all promised they'd always be honest with her. She had trust issues and they didn't want to add to that.

"Okay. Please sit." He guided.


They explained everything. Everything.

They'd never thought about explaining all of this to a human before. But Giselle was different. She was good.

Giselle was quiet when they finished. Then burst into questions. She asked about their parents and how their immortality worked. It was a lot.

"Okay so you guys are immortal, but what if you get blown up in an explosion. Would you die? Or would you body parts just kind of like crawl back together?" She asked.

"I think we come back together." Rebekah said when no one else answered.

"What if you get put into a meat grinder and someone takes all your body parts to different parts of the world. Would you come crawling back together then?"

No one answered this time. Kol looked like he was in deep thought. Rebekah and Elijah looked confused. Klaus looked upset.

"Now I need to destroy every last meat grinder there is." He commented.

Giselle laughed for the first time and it brought a smile to everyone's faces. Elijah's heart fluttered.

"I know it's maybe too early to ask for your forgiveness. But you must know we—"

He was cut off from her getting up and hugging him.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Forgiving you. Also hugging you. You do know what a hug is right?"

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her. Giselle took off one arm to gesture towards Rebekah.

She hesitated before smiling and joining it.

"Kol. You too." She said.

"I don't hug dear."

She waved her hands frantically and he groaned before joining.

"Klaus. Your not special. Come here."

"I don't hug either. Too much affection." He defended. But he already knew that when Giselle wanted something, she got it.

He tried to postpone it one more time before reluctantly joining the group hug between his family and her.

But what he would never tell anyone, is that he enjoyed it immensely.

💫 𝐀𝐩𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐞 💫 * ᴇ. ᴍɪᴋᴀᴇʟsᴏɴ* au (completed)Where stories live. Discover now