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Giselle's dream:

"So why are we cleaning this room again?" Giselle asked wiping off various medicines with a wet wipe.

"Because Grandpas room hasn't been cleaned in a while." Her mom explained cleaning the bathtub with Ajax.

"This room hasn't been cleaned in like a thousand years."

"Oh stop complaining. Your not doing anything else." Her mom said.

"It is so dusty in here."

Her mom didn't say anything instead kept scrubbing.

"Ew!" Giselle screamed suddenly.

She picked up his trash can with so much dust it harbored three little bugs.

"This room makes me want to throw myself into ongoing traffic."

"He has vaginal cream." Her mom said suddenly, holding up a small tube.

"For his vagina?"

Her mom laughed and Giselle dropped the things she was "cleaning" to laugh with her.

End dream.

Giselle woke up with her heart aching. That was the fourth time in a row where she had a dream of her and her mom.

She missed her mom like crazy. She just didn't show that she missed her. For Sophia.

"How do I look?" Giselle said twirling around in her new waitress outfit.

"Adorable." Sophia said.

"Wish me luck." Giselle kisses Sophia on her head and she wished her good luck and turned around to go to school.

Caroline was right. The new diner she would be working at was cute. It was old fashioned and titled, Rosie's Diner.

The job wasn't hard for Giselle. She caught on quick her boss was nice, for the most part.

"Elle!" Her coworker Melissa exclaimed.

"Yes Melissa?"

"This milkshake needs to go to that table over there." Melissa said pointing to a table with two men sitting down.

"You got it." She said picking up the strawberry milkshake.

She headed for the table with the two men sitting down. She felt something at the front of her foot and everything went blurry as she headed for the floor.

"Oh!" She exclaimed falling down dropping the milkshake to the floor.

The two mean that were sitting at the table stood up immediately to help her. The taller one helped her up and their brown eyes met.

"Are you alright." He said in an elegant voice. He was wearing a suit and tie that looked expensive and freshly pressed.

"Yes." She said out of breath. "That wasn't your milkshake was it?"

"Strawberry milkshake?" He asked.

Giselle closed her eyes mentally cursing the clumsy gene that has been tossed down in her family for generations.

"Great. It is literally my first day and I'm already breaking their glasses. I'm so sorry I will get you a new one right away."

"No need to apologize. It was an accident. Thank you," He looked down at her name tag, "Johnathan?"

She looked down to her name tag in confusion.

"Oh. Right. This isn't mine. I just started so I'm starting as a-"

"As a Johnathan?" He said completing her sentence.

"Yeah." She laughed completely memorized by his beautiful chocolate eyes.

"Elle!" A voice called startling her.

"Oh right. Um I'll get your milkshake right away."

"No rush." The elegant man said kissing her hand lightly.

The other man who looked younger than him merely smiled at her while she went off to clean up the mess.

Coming back carefully with a milkshake in her hands.

"One strawberry milkshake all in one piece." She smiled.

"Thank you miss uh." He said unsure what to cal her.

"Oh uh Giselle. You can call me Elle though everyone else does."

"Giselle. That's a beautiful name."

"Thank you. My mom got it from a famous model and my middle name is from a character from Sex in the City which I still haven't seen after all these years."

"Which character would that be?"

"Samantha. My mom was weird. But creative." She smiled.

"My mother got my name from a baby book. It was the first one she liked."

"Which name would that be?" She asked.

"Elijah. Elijah Mikaelson. My mom never cared for middle names."

The fell into a conversation easily. The other man that was there before had left when she went to get a new milkshake. Giselle sat down completely involved with the man in front of her.

"Elle!" A voice yelled again.

"Oh shit." She got up from the table. "Did you want to order anything else, because the vain in my boss's head looks like it's about to explode."

Elijah laughed. "This milkshake will do for now thank you. Tomorrow I'll maybe try the chocolate milkshake. My brother keeps trying to get me to try that one." He got up and kissed her hand.


He simply turned around and winked before leaving the diner, but not leaving her thoughts the rest of the day.

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