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Giselle's Dream:

"Do you think it's true?" Giselle asked her mom. She had just gotten off the phone with her birth dad. It was her 13th birthday. He called every birthing for the last five years, but this was the first time she answered.

"Do you think he really loves me? You think he really thinks about me all the time like he said he does?" She asked.

"I can't say. I want to believe he does." Her mom responded squeezing her hand, her other on the steering wheel.

Talking about Giselle's dad was always an emotional conversation. The way things were left off. He had chosen his affair over Giselle and cheated on her mother before leaving. That's why she never got a phone call or ever got to meat with him. But Giselle always blamed herself.

"I don't." Giselle said after a while.

Her mom turned her head over to her silently asking her to continue.

"I just kind of think. If it were between me, and his two kids, or her," Giselle said referring to his wife, "He would choose them, over and over and over again."

There were now tears streaming down her face and her voice was shaky as she spoke.

"And I would get hurt over and over and over again."

Her mom and sister kept quiet. Her mom knew she was right but didn't want to believe she was. Her sister was still knew to the situation. The sad fact that it was true. He would never choose her. Not over his family.

"Elle?" Sophia said from the back.

"Yeah." Giselle wiped her eyes.

"If I had to choose between you, and bacon, I would choose you. Over and over."

Giselle smiled softly at the little girl in the back.

"Maybe not every time. Because it's bacon. I can't just have a life without bacon I mean it's bacon."

Giselle and her mom started to laugh uncontrollably now. There family really never did stay serious for long. They couldn't stand it. They had to make each other laugh.

"Come here goose." Giselle said picking Sophia up and having her sit in her lap.

In a way, Giselle was kind of grateful that her birth dad wasn't involved in her life. Then she wouldn't have her sister. She probably wouldn't be as close with her mom. She looked to the both of them. She realized it was always the three of them.

She knew she had her grandpa as a father figure and was so grateful to him. But this, right here in the car, was all she needed. It was the Harris girls against the world. It had always been that way. And she wouldn't change it if she had the chance.

End dream.

Giselle woke up with another start. She had tears in her eyes but a smile on her face. After that day she wasn't sad about her father anymore. She was pissed. He chose a rather mean girl over his family, who loved him for who he was. She would always hate him for what he did to her mom. Her family were the people who lived in this house. Which she realized wasn't a lot now.

She got up and wiped her eyes. She went over to Sophia's room and saw her sound asleep in her pink room.

She climbed into her bed behind her sister and hugged her tightly. This was her family. In this bed right here right now. It wasn't a lot but,

That was all she needed.


Sophia had caught a cold and wasn't able to go to school because of their sick policy. She didn't want to bother her friends so she just took her to the diner with her.

The elegant man with the suit and tie never left her mind when she embarrassed herself by dropping his milkshake then having a conversation with him.

"Phia don't make any noise. You have a coloring book and if you want something to eat just call me or Melissa okay."

"Relax Elle. I'll try to be on my best behavior."

"No no no. Don't try just do."

"Ugh you sound like mom."

"Maybe it'll get you to listen." Giselle said before kissing her head and turning around.

As soon as she turned around she collided with a wall. No not a wall. A man.

"Oh! I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking." She said immediately.

"That's quite alright miss Giselle." An elegant voice said.


"We have to stop meeting like this."

"Chocolate milkshake?" She asked, remembering what he said yesterday.

"Chocolate milkshake."

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