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"That actually was kind of nice." Giselle admitted.

"Just kind of?" Elijah asked.

Elijah had taken her to dinner at a nice restaurant. It wasn't too nice because he didn't want her to feel out of place. After that he took her to an exhibit which Giselle enjoyed extremely.

"To be clear, that sort of counts as a date. So technically I should be entitled to breaking your pinky."

"Dinner and going to an exhibit is not a—" Then he stopped himself. It did seem like a date. "Well that certainly was not my intention."

"It's fine Elijah." She laughed. "I had actual fun. Sophia is amazing but a handful so getting out was nice."

"Yes how is your lovely sister?"

It looked so beautiful outside. It wasn't snowing anymore but the remains of snow were out there making everything look "magical" as Giselle had put it. Elijah looked over to her while she spoke and realized she was even more beautiful.

"Are you even listening?" She asked as she whacked his arm.

"You said everything looked magical with the snow." He said trying to cover up.

"Okay smart ass what did I say before that?"

"You know Rose you look beautiful tonight."

"Flattery will only get you so far." She laughed.

He laughed but didn't stop admiring her beauty. He suddenly stopped walking, making her stop as well.

"I'm serious Rose." His voice firm.

"I know."

She found it very difficult to look away from his chocolate brown eyes.

He leaned forward to rest his head against hers. She suddenly forgot how to breath.

It's supposed to be in and out right? Crap. She thought.

"Rose." He lifted his hand to caress her cheek.

But she stopped him. She freaked out. Her breathing became heavy.

"I can't do this." She said catching him by surprise. She ran off. Elijah thought about going after her but decided against it. Her walls were still up there. And even though he was determined to get in, he wanted to give her time.


Elijah was sitting on his couch reading when the door burst open. He didn't even turn around because he knew who it was.

Giselle Harris sat down next to him. She had tear streaks down her face and her hair had slight tangles as if she was running her hair through it.

He was waiting for her to speak. So he sat quietly. He put his book down but didn't say anything or turn to her. That's when she spoke.

"I care about you Elijah. Deeply. But I promised myself and my mom that I would look after Sophia and that I would never put anything or anyone before her. And you deserve so much more than being second."

She waited for him to reply. Her heart hurt when she said those words. But they were true. Sophia had to come first. No matter what.

"I know Rose." His voice raspy. "But I want you to know, that I will wait for you. Because if I were to be with you, both of you would be first to me."

She closed her eyes tightly. She wanted to run into his arms and have him tell her everything would be okay. But she couldn't. Not now.

She got up from the seat and headed towards the door. Then she stopped. What was she doing? She trusted him. She cared for him. But she also trusted and cared for a lot of people who hurt her in the past.

She had a mental battle with herself. She was confused, and upset. She wanted him but didn't want to get hurt. Not again. She turned around.

"Elijah—" But she was cut off from his lips going on hers.

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