💫pinky promise💫

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"Ellie what a pleasant surprise!" Kol Mikaelson yelled as he walked into the Mikaelson home.

"Kol you sly bastard. How you doing?" Giselle responded hugging Kol as he came in.

It's been three months since she met the Mikaelson family. She clicked with Klaus and Elijah first but then clicked with Rebecca and Kol immediately after. At first they both thought Klaus had made friends with Giselle so the could kill her. But after the two brothers made their younger siblings promise not to hurt her, they figured that wasn't the case.

Rebecca had really grown to like Giselle. She thought Giselle was brave and feisty. Kol has figured out Elijah had a crush on her even though he denied it when he tired to confront him. So he flirted with her endlessly. She flirted back but in the playful way. That's the way their friendship was.

"Where is the lovely Sophie?" He asked laying his head down in her lap as she sat on the couch.

"She is at a friends house having a play date. I have a day off so I decided to hang here."

"Will you be here long?" He asked.

"Probably. Is that a problem?"

"Yes your a complete nuisance." He teased.

She smiled at him sarcastically and went back to her book. Elijah walked in to see what all the racket was and found himself immediately jealous at the sight.

Giselle was rubbing his little brothers head as he laid in her lap. Kol looked so comfortable and Giselle didn't mind him laying there. Elijah wished it was him in that position and not Kol.

He cleared his throat and collected his thoughts.

"I wasn't aware you were coming by today lovely Rose."

"Elijah! Hi." She said looking towards him. After she had turned him down he announced he was here for her and that he wouldn't give up on her.

She tried acting as if it wasn't a big deal. But when he said those words it made her heart melt. She didn't allow herself to get to close. But whether she liked it or not, she was close. There was no changing that.

"Well I've got some business to attend to. I will stop by the diner tomorrow lovely." Kol said getting up. He kissed her cheek lightly and she smiled, angering Elijah further.

"Come sit." She said patting the spot next to her when Kol left. "You can lay in my lap if you want to as well."

He smiled and walked to her. "That's not necessary. But thank you. What are you reading?"

"Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets." She said her face immediately lighting up.

"Didn't you just finish this series?"

"Yes." She said with a look on her face as if daring him to say something about it.

But he didn't comment on it. Instead sat closer and looked at the pages as she read. Her breathing picked up a little and he could sense it. Giselle still didn't know about the supernatural world. She didn't know that half of her friends were vampires or werewolves. Or that she was currently best friends with Original vampires.

"How was your day?" She asked trying to calm herself down. She couldn't help her breathing while being so close to him.

"It was nice. It's much better now that your here though." He spilled.

"Oh." She said, her heart beating picking up. "That's- interesting. My day was nice. I had a peanut butter sandwich."

"Why are you breathing so heavily?" He asked.

"Your making me nervous." Her eyebrows furrowed.

"I don't mean to make you nervous."

"Well." She didn't finish her sentence.

Instead she got up to go to the kitchen to go get water. She needed to calm herself down.

"I would like if you could accompany me to dinner." His elegant voice said from the corner.

"I can't."

"Another time?"

"Why are you still asking that I go to dinner with you?" She asked.

"I fancy you is that so hard to believe?"

"Yes." She exclaimed.

"I want to know everything about you."


"You seem amazing now. Knowing everything about you would make me like you more."

"I seriously doubt that." She put that glass down and walked outside. Thankfully he didn't follow. She stopped walking. She was still in the driveway. She cursed herself. She was a having a battle in her mind. What am I doing? She thought.

"Fuck." She whispered. She turned around cursing herself even more.

The front door was still open and when she walked back inside he was on the couch. Waiting for her. It was like he knew. He totally knew. The hot bastard. She sighed and plopped down on the couch next to him. She sighed again and laid her head down on his shoulder.

"My favorite color is red." She whispered, breaking the silence.

He didn't respond which urged her to go on.

"My favorite place in the world is France because of the Eiffel Tower. I love Disney movies and roses. And you terrify me."

He grew confused but didn't say anything.

"I don't like opening up but you make me want to. I hate that."

"Your so guarded. You have your walls up high and you don't like letting people in. May I ask why?" He spoke for the first time.

She hesitated in speaking. She figured she could trust him. Not completely but the trust was there.

"Every time I let someone in I end up hurt or abandoned. Why should you or your family be any different?" She asked in a whisper.

"You have a valid point. My family is quite unpredictable." He said understanding her words immediately. "I give you m—"

"No don't do that." She cut him off. "Pinky promise."


"Pinky promises are very important in my family. Sophia always said if I were ever to break a pinky promise she would break my pinky. I've never broken one because I'm honest. Also because she's vicious and has access to a hammer."

Elijah chuckled for a moment before lifting up his hand with his pinky sticking out.

"I pinky promise." He hesitated. "Never to hurt or abandon you or your sister. I cannot speak for the rest of my family but trust me, this is not a promise I intend to break." Their pinky's intertwined and he kissed her finger as he once saw her do to her little sister.

"That was the most formal pinky promise ever. Thank you."


The amount of times I used the word "pinky" in this chapter is insane. Sorry it's so long. Thanks for reading.

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