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It been a couple of months since Giselle had forgiven the Mikaelsons. They were her family and she had forgiven them earlier than she thought.

It was thanksgiving day and Giselle brought Sophia over to their house to celebrate the holiday. After her mother Giselle didn't care too much for holidays. But she needed to get back into the way she was. The peaceful, playful, holiday loving person she was before.

Sophia was excited. She loved the family and the family loved her as well. They promised Giselle that they would protect Sophia at all cost. She was grateful for that. Especially after they told her being apart of their family was dangerous.

Giselle didn't care. She'd given up on trying to distance herself from Elijah and his siblings. They told her, her and Sophia were apart of the family and nothing could change that. She was in deeper than she realized.

"Ellie and Sophia. My two favorite sisters!" Kol said when they walked in the door.

"Uncle Kol!" Sophia yelled running up to hug him.

Giselle hugged him smiling and greeted everyone else in the family. When she got to Elijah she kissed him while smiling. They were "official" and when they announced that everyone went crazy.

Elijah was absolutely heads over heels in love with this girl. Of course she was too. But being the two most conserved people in the world, neither one knew that.

"Rose." Elijah said kissing her cheek. "How are you?"

As they talked Sophia went over to Klaus. She got something out of her pocket and handed it to him. He looked at it in confusion.

"It's a sticker. For being a good uncle." She said.

"What a childish thing." He replied.

"Okay I'll just take it back then and give it to Kol."

"No this is my sticker I earned it." He said taking it back and sticking it on his shirt.

Giselle laughed at the sight and went over to the kitchen to start thanksgiving dinner.



"I was thinking, well we were thinking, you should move into the house with us."

"What?" She turned around to see the family surrounding her. "Really?"

"Yes. Your family. We think you should live in the family house." Rebecca said.

Giselle laughed with tears in her eyes. She turned to her sister and asked, "What do you think kid?"

She smiled at them. "I think yes! It was my idea!"

Giselle laughed at the excited child playing with the family. It was then she realized, that was her family. Her home.


Whoo! It's finished. Finally. It's short and it kind of sucked but I hope anyone who read liked it. Thanks for reading❤️

 Thanks for reading❤️

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