💫tea party💫

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Elijah will be mentioned next chapter... Also sorry for typos


Giselle was still clinging on to Caroline. She just announced she was able to her a job at a new diner as a waitress and that she'd be getting enough money to pay for everything.

"Thank you thank you thank you." Giselle said.

"Jeez I thought I was the hugger." Caroline replied.

"I have to repay you somehow."

"No you don't." Caroline said sitting down.

"Do you want to come to our dinner tea party tonight?"

"Oh you guys are still going to have those." Caroline exclaimed. "Oh I would love to. But I have plans with Elena. I'm making her go to this party thing. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Sophia will be happy either way because she's getting spaghetti." Giselle replied.

Caroline laughed and stood up to walk outside. Giselle grabber her stuff to go get some soda. Whenever their family had dinner tea party's they never actually had tea. They thought tea was disgusting. Dinner tea party's were for special occasions.

Like if someone got an award, or a 4.0 gpa (which Giselle always got), or when their mom got a raise. Or if they just simply felt like it.

They didn't listen to classy music either. They listened to their regular music. Which consists mostly of Backstreet Boyz and other "dope 90's music" as Sophia likes to call it.

Giselle got the dinner ready and got out their fluffy scarves. She called them that because no one actually knew their names.

She got in the car to pick up Sophia from school. She was really happy to see her bigger sister. After their mom, the pair grew closer than they had before.

As happy as she was that they were having a tea party something was off with the little girl. Giselle knew it.

"What's up goose?" She asked when they got home.

"What do you mean?" Sophia responded.

"Come on. Don't lie. You know I hate that." Giselle said getting serious.

"Fine. Their are some girls at school who aren't being very nice. To me."

"What are their names? You want me to kill them? And if yes then how? You know what never mind I already have some ideas. I'm thinking this knife should do." Giselle said pulling out an oversized knife.

"Oh my gosh. What happened to your no killing kids rule?"

"Well that rule can change when the kids are dicks. Especially when their being dicks to my little sister." Giselle said.

"It's fine Elle honestly. Grandpa said if I ever had a bully I should just not listen to them. Tune them out. Not even care."

"That's total bullshit." Giselle mumbled. "Look their are tons of different to deal with bullies, I for one am still on board with the whole murder thing."

"You brought up the murder and we're not going to be murdering anyone." Sophia replied. "You've never even had to deal with bullies."

"What makes you think that?"

"You were liked by mostly everyone. You were friends with so many people. Even kids in the popular group you were friends with."

"Only the nice ones. I hated the others. But their were a small group of girls I never got along with for that reason." Gisele told the little girl.

"How'd you deal with them?" Sophia asked.

"I didn't really. I mostly ignored them. I couldn't find myself to care about bullies. There was one day where that one bitch made fun of Caroline so bad to the point that she cried so I kicked her a- you know what never mind." Giselle replied.

"There are many different ways to deal with a bully. I never like that Grandpa told me how to deal with them. And mom always offered burning their houses down but that's sort of illegal."

"Your up for murder but not burning down a house?" Sophia asked.

"Anyways. Let me give you my advice. You are too cool to worry about what those little assholes are saying okay? They won't make very much of themselves when their older because all they'll ever be, are bullies."

"Thanks Elle."

She didn't say anything but instead got the spaghetti out. She suddenly froze when a certain song came on.

Sophia looked up to the radio then to her sister. They hadn't heard this song since their mother's funeral. "Somewhere only we know" the Glee version came on. That was their family's song that they played for serious and/or heartfelt moments.

Giselle turned around back to the spaghetti. Trying hard to focus on it. She heard sniffles from behind her. Giselle turned around to sit next to her. She said nothing she just sat their.

She reached over to intertwine her hands with Sophia's when she laid her head down on her shoulder.

Giselle started to sing along as Sophia cried harder. She took her little sister in her arms as a couple tears rolled down her cheeks as well. She hated crying but this song was sentimental. Her voice was unstable as she kept singing along just like her mother did whenever they were sad.

"I really hope these are tears and not boogers your getting on my shirt." Giselle said after the song ended.

Sophia chucked and wiped her eyes. "Yep. Extra juicy."

"Ew." Giselle laughed. That was their family. Never serious for a long time. Their family fought and made fun of each other all the time, but hated seeing each other upset.

Then another song came on that made them go into a fit of giggles.

"Is that Backstreet Boyz?" Sophia asked.

"Yes. Yes it is."

Giselle started singing to the song again, no longer sad making Sophia's entire night better.

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