Last night (AxJ fluff)

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Third person:
Alex slowly opened his eyes, wincing at the blinding light coming in from the window. He blinked a couple of times and stretched his arms to wake himself up. As he sat up in the bed he suddenly became aware of how cold his chest was, only to look down and realise he didn't have a shirt on. As he was looking around and wondering where his shirt was, the penny dropped. This is James's room.

Alex grabbed the duvet and tried to cover himself as much as he could, scanning the room for some clothes, while a million questions ran through his mind,

Questions like "Why am I in James's bed? Where's my shirt and..." Alex checked under the duvet, he was still wearing his boxers, but his jeans we're missing too. "wait, where's James?" Alex wondered.

He got up out of the bed cautiously, watching the door in case anyone came in. "I don't wanna go out there half naked. I suppose I should find some clothes." He thought, wearily looking around the room for his clothes. He found his jeans balled up in a corner but couldn't find his shirt or hoodie he was wearing the night before.

"What even happened last night?" Alex tried to remember the events that took place at the club last night, but all he could remember was going with James and drinking several pints. And also... Oh no. A girl came up to James at the bar and started hitting on him. Alex started to feel jealous, James promised him a night out for the lads, so Alex.... Kissed James. He remembered it clearly now, smiling at the girls shocked expression, tasting the fruity gum James was chewing and... James kissing him back. He was a little surprised at first but he definitely kissed Alex back.

Did it mean anything to him? Did James mean to do it? They were both fairly intoxicated at this point in the night but, maybe it could have meant something. Who knows? Alex tried to push these thoughts to the back of his mind as he grabbed one of James's hoodies off the floor and prepared himself to leave.

Alex turned the handle to James's room carefully and as quietly as he could. He checked the time on his phone as he stepped out of the room. It was already eleven o clock, so Alex put his phone back in his pocket. As he walked past the kitchen he suddenly heard;

"Ah, you're awake" from behind him. Alex reluctantly turned around to face James.

"Yep. Just thought I should go." He said awkwardly, going to make his way to the door again.

"Why? You should stay, I made pancakes for you, they're nearly done." James replied, flipping the pancake expertly.

"Uh, ok. I guess I could stay" Alex awkwardly sat at the kitchen counter, waiting for James to finish the pancakes.

"So do you want to talk about what happened last night?" James asked, sliding the pancakes onto a plate and fishing them up in front of Alex. "Do you even remember anything?" 

Alex mentally cringed.
"I remember a bit, nothing I'm proud of." He mumbled, loading up his pancakes with syrup and Nutella.

"God, you eat like a five year old" James laughed at Alex's plate, the pancakes so covered in chocolate spread you could hardly see the actual pancake anymore.

"Shut up" Alex blushed, stabbing the pancakes with his fork. "we should talk about it though"

"Well what do you remember?" James asked.

"Uhm," Alex took a second to swallow his food. "I remember being at the club, that girl, and... And kissing you at the bar. That's about it."

"Oh" James said, a mixture of emotions on his face.

"We didn't... Do anything did we? Aside from, you know, the whole kissing you thing?" Alex asked, terrified and wanting to die from embarrassment at the same time.

James blushed slightly.
"Uh, yeah. You asked me to take your virginity when we got back here." Alex looked even more worried now.
"But I didn't, of course. We were both pissed drunk and I knew you wouldn't have done it if you were sober. So we just, I dunno, made out, then went to sleep." James explained.

Alex was relieved. He had a crush on James as long as he was friends with him, but if he was ever going to make a move, he wanted his first time to be special. He knew James would be gentle with him, especially since it was his first time, but he wanted to actually remember the experience.

"Ok. Good. I just... Well, thank you James. You don't know how much that means to me." Alex replied, relieved.

"Alex, you also said something that, I dunno if this was the alcohol talking now but, you said that, you love me. And that you've had a crush on me for years now. And even if that wasn't true, I just wanted to tell you that I've had a crush on you for ages now and I feel like if I don't say it now, I'll never have the balls to tell you." James seemed in a rush to get the words out and when he stopped talking he looked down at the floor. "it's ok if you don't like me in that way." He practically whispered.

Alex got off his chair and walked over to James to hug him. He wrapped his arms around the larger man and held him as Alex whispered into his ear;

"James I love you. I've loved you for years and I'm so glad that I told you last night, because if I didn't I might never have told you. Will you be my boyfriend?" Alex whispered.

"Of course I will" James hugged him back, a huge smile breaking out on his face.

"Wait, is that my hoodie?" James asked, when they broke their embrace.

"Oh, yeah I forgot. I'll give it back to you next time I see you" Alex replied

"It's ok, you can keep it if you want. Pink is a really pretty colour on you"

1028 words
Aww cute. I love these fluff chapters but I might start doing some angst/ smutty chapters soon (;p) let me know if you have any suggestions or themes you want me to write about.

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