germaphobe (AxW)

664 18 7

Alex's POV:

"And you're sure we've enough soap and deodorant?" Will asked, expectingly looking at the half price toiletries shelf as if the floor was about to open up and swallow up the shelf whole.

"Yes Will, I checked this morning after you checked and we have at least four bottles of soap in the press under the sink, I'd say that's just enough for three weeks" I joked, playfully rolling my eyes and grinning at Will.

"Honestly, with the way your acting you'd think it was the apocalypse coming early" I snaked an arm around his waist and tried to pull him away from the soaps aisle.

Will raised his eyebrows at me, but soon enough he cracked and smiled back. I couldn't help but grin even wider to myself at the look on his face. His adorable, still slightly annoyed face.

"It'll be fine, honestly" I said as I walked us over to the self checkout, putting our basket on the end and starting to scan our stuff through the machine.

"I know it'll be fine, I'm just worried about having to be cooped up in the house all day every day for two whole weeks. I won't be able to walk over to George's flat, I won't be able to make videos with anyone, we won't be able to go to the pub!" He gasped dramatically as he said the last part, jokingly leaning on my shoulder for support at the thought of not going out clubbing.

I laughed as I finished packing our stuff into my bag. I ducked a little to make Will loose his balance, then quickly grabbed his hand with my free hand to walk home.

"Oh, the pain, however will we get through this terrible time without going to our mate's house's and the pub," I joked, "guess you're just stuck with me for two weeks"

Will put his arm round my shoulders as we walked, pretending to consider the idea. Eventually he turned to me again with a little smirk on his face.

"Well, I know a lot of things we could do together for two weeks" Will said putting on a silly, deep, seductive voice as he pulled me closer.

I grinned and played along with his game, widening my eyes and asking "and what would that be then?" as Will started to kiss along my jawline.

Will continued to plant small, soft kisses along my neck and jawline until he got to my ear and whispered, in the deepest and most ridiculous voice he could;

"Spring cleaning"

We both burst out laughing at our stupid joke, having to hold on to each other to make sure we didn't loose our balance and topple over.

We continued to talk about other random stuff for the rest of the walk home, but whenever there was a small silence, one of us would just keep staring straight ahead and whisper "spring cleaning" which would send us into peals of laughter again.

By the time we got home, we had just about stopped laughing for at least the fifth time over that one stupid joke.

"But seriously, what are we going to do? Editing gets boring after about three days of straight work..." I said, putting our bag of shopping into the kitchen.

When I walked back over to Will he had already made himself comfy on the couch, shoes off and taking up about 90% of our couch. I grinned at him, trying to move his legs a little so I could at least have the edge of the couch. I playfully poked his legs to get him to skooch over.

"Daddylonglegs" I joked. Will gave me a look of indignince and took the my laughter as an opportunity to pull me down onto the couch and tickle me mercilessly. I was laughing and pleading with Will to stop when he finally stopped and laid down next to me. He started spooning me and cuddled up next to me for warmth in just his t-shirt.

"I think we'll be fine, two weeks will go by in a flash..." He said, putting his arms around my waist and pulling me close.

"Seriously though," Will whispered softly "If you start coughing, you're out on your arse"

We both started giggling, and soon fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms.

727 words.
Just felt like everyone needed something cute to read while everything's on lockdown. If you have any ships or storylines you want me to write about just comment and I'll probably do it, running a bit low on ideas so any suggestions would be great. Hope this made your week a little better and happier <3

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