A Secret Midnight Date (AxW)

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Wills POV:

"For fucks sakes, where is that boy?" I muttered to myself, checking round the corner again to make sure no one was on the street, and therefore could see me at the side gate to Alex's house.

I held the cigarette I was smoking between my teeth so I could use my phone with both hands, typing in Alex's number as fast as I could. It rang twice before he picked up.

"Hey," Alex whispered, my heart starting to thump harder at the mere sound of his voice. "I know I'm late, you don't need to nag me, I'm almost ready, give me thirty seconds."

"Alright then, but it's fucking freezing out here, you may need to warm us up when you finally get out." I joked, taking another puff of my fag. His quiet laugh made me smile, suddenly feeling much warmer inside.

I turned off my phone and waited some more, still muttering and cursing to myself as Alex finally crept out of his backdoor, carefully pulling it shut behind him before walking over to me and flinging his arms around my shoulders. He pressed his head to my chest, leaving his hair at the perfect height to be ruffled. I held him to me with one arm as I carefully combed through his soft brown hair with the other.

"Hey, Al," I said as he started to loosen his grip, not able to help the big, stupid grin that was plastered across my face. "I missed you."

"Missed you too Will," Alex said, his eyes shining in the moonlight, his usually pale cheeks bright pink with the cold.

"Come on, then, before we both freeze to death." I said, offering my arm to Alex, which he gladly took.

We walked away at a fast pace, whispering to each other as we hurried away together.

I insisted on not telling Alex where we were going, I wanted it to be a surprise. Now, obviously a sixteen year old can't afford somewhere amazing to hang out with his secret boyfriend, especially not at half one in the morning. So, I brought him to my current favourite place to hang out and explore.

As we neared it, Alex was excitedly looking around before laying eyes on it. He looked back to me, asking the question without even saying anything.

"I know how you always say that, if you could, you'd live in a cabin in the woods, with just a few animals and your husband or whatever. But I figured if you're going to keep on with YouTube, you'll need a windmill to power your camera." I smiled at Alex, hoping he'd like the thought I put into this date.

"This is so cool," Alex exclaimed, starting to run up the hill towards the base of the old, abandoned windmill.
"Can we get in?"

"Can we get in?" I asked again, pretending to be annoyed at the question. "Now what kind of boyfriend would I be if I brought you to an old windmill we weren't going to break into?"

A cheeky smile broke across Alex's face before he went to examine the door.

"Yeah, the woods half rotted away anyways, so it's pretty weak. A good kick would do it in." He said, before backing up slightly to get a run at it. Before I knew it Alex had charged at the door and kicked clean through the board where a lock should be. He gently pushed what remained of the door and it swung open easily.

As Alex triumphantly turned around to me, I started fanning myself and pretending to faint at how strong he was. Alex playfully shoved me and told me to shut up, to which I started chasing him into the old windmill.

He squeaked and turned around to run, our trainers bringing up clouds of dust as I sprinted after him. I chased him up two flights of stairs before admitting defeat and held onto a windowsill for support.

Alex walked back over, joining me at the windowsill. He looked out at the stars as I caught my breath, before finally breaking the silence.

"Will?" he said in a serious voice, not making eye contact with me. Immediate alarm bells.

"Will, do you think we should go public? I mean, we've been dating for ages, you asked me to be your boyfriend way back in February. And there are a few gay couples in school, we wouldn't be the only ones." Alex turned to face me properly at last. I could see he was nearly ready to cry.

It had been hard for both of us to keep our relationship a secret, but it had been for good reason. Only a last year, some lad got beat up at our school for being gay. His supposed "friends" beat the shit out if him after he came out and he had to move school the bullying got so bad. And I know I might be able to take it, but Alex can't, and I can't protect him from the entire rest of the school.

"Hey, you know what happened the that guy last year. He had to move, Al. I'm not having that happen to you" I said as gently as I could. Alex's face screwed up as he nodded, and he sank to the floor.

I sat down next to him, knowing that I wouldn't be able to come up with a good reason why we shouldn't because the only reason is ridiculous. Homophobia and ignorance is why I can't hold Alex's hand in public or tell anyone about my amazing boyfriend.

So, I just tried to cheer him up, to get him to smile, even if it was just for a split second. I scooched my arse even closer to Alex and as he was rubbing his eyes, I got one arm around his waist and hooked the other arm under his knees and pulled. When he was successfully on my lap and finally meeting my gaze, I dried his tears with my thumb as gently as I could. I smiled at him and proceeded to tell him exactly what I was thinking.

"Alex, you are absolutely right, we should tell people that we're together. But, most of the twats in our school, no, this town, are pretty homophobic. And also not afraid of violence, which isn't great either." I could see a small smile start to form, so I continued.

"Al, you're so fucking amazing, I can barely put it into words. When I'm around you I can't help but smile and laugh and want to be a better person for you. We can't tell people because I am absolutely not risking some other guy whisking you away to go live in the cabin in the woods together." I smiled as Alex started to crack, so close to laughing as he made himself comfortable on my lap.

"We have two more years. Two more years until we can finally fuck off out of here and be ourselves. Maybe you'll go down south, somewhere by the sea, maybe I'll get a job in London, who knows? But no matter what, I'll always be here for you, and I'll always love you." I could barely believe I was finally saying those words, those words I've been thinking about since I met Alex. My whole body stiffened up as I thought of how Alex might react. I tried to play it cool and just smiled at Alex, who was smiling right back at me.

"Will, thank you. I'll always be there for you too." Alex moved even closer to me before pressing his lips to mine. I, of course, kissed him back, thinking that he had just glossed over the last part. 

It got to the point where, after a few minutes I was lying down on the floor (which probably had at least seventeen diseases embedded in it) with Alex on top of me. He was trying to give me a hickey near my collarbone while I caught my breath and as he made his way back to my lips, giving me little kisses along my neck and jawline, he leaned down next to my ear and whispered those words I had said to him just a few minutes before.

"Love you too, Will"

1395 words.
Remember to vote and comment any ships or storylines you want me to write about. Hope this made your day a little less shit <3


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